Dominic Foppoli

As day two of the revelations concerning Windsor Mayor Dominic Foppoli began, more organizations and individuals were distancing themselves from Foppoli.
The Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa #50 released a statement on April 8 that they had expelled Foppoli. Foppoli had been a longtime supporter of the organization, including its work as the host of Windsor’s annual fireworks show, Kaboom! One of the four alleged sexual assaults outlined in an April 9 article from the San Francisco Chronicle took place at an event put on by the national Active 20-30 Club in Reno, Nevada.

According to the statement, the Board of Directors held an emergency board meeting at 6 p.m. on April 8, where they unanimously voted to expel Foppoli from its membership ranks.
“The allegations against Dominic Foppoli are deeply disturbing, and in no way reflect the values of the Active 20-30 organization,” stated Jason Balatti, president of the Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa #50 said in the statement.
“Our board was deeply disturbed by the seriousness and gravity of these allegations, and felt that given the actions alleged against Mr. Foppoli, removal from membership and expulsion from our organization was the only outcome that would facilitate a path for others to come forward and allow our organization to begin the healing process,” Balatti added. “We stand in solidarity with these victims, encourage others who may have been victimized to come forward and share their stories, and will continue our no tolerance policy of these kinds of behaviors for those who commit acts of sexual assault or engage in non-consensual or inappropriate encounters with anyone.”
According to the statement, they first became aware of rumors related to the content of the Chronicle article on March 29, and voted at that time to suspend his membership pending further investigation and any conclusions.
“In consultation with the national organization Active 20-30 US & Canada, (it was decided) to hire a private investigator to look into the matter. In light of the news story in The Chronicle, which included eyewitness testimony and significant corroborating evidence, the board felt there was more than sufficient action to terminate Foppoli’s membership, effective immediately,” Balatti said in the statement, adding the national organization’s internal investigation into allegations of sexual assault will continue despite Club #50’s expulsion decision against Foppoli.
“The Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa #50 remains in close communication with the national organization and its President, Tiffani Montgomery, and will work diligently to proactively work with other clubs to avoid instances of sexual assault or misconduct by any members in the future,” the statement concludes.
Also, on Thursday evening, a letter from all the mayors of the other cities in the counties, excluding Windsor, was circulated condemning Foppoli and asking for his immediate resignation.
Calls have also continued to remove Windsor Councilmember Debora Fudge, who is currently recovering from hip replacement surgery.
In a follow-up article in the Chronicle, published Friday, Sonoma County Sheriff Mark Essick confirmed that they had opened an investigation into the incidents outlined in the piece, though most of those specific cases will face statute of limitations issues. The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office is requesting that anyone with information or that has a story to share contact them.
County board of supervisors chair Lynda Hopkins announced that the board will be adding an addendum to the Board of Supervisors meeting for Tuesday, April 13, addressing the recent approval of Foppoli to the board of the Golden Gate Bridge District.
“After additional legal research by County Counsel, it has been determined that it is possible for the Board of Supervisors to rescind our approval of the appointment of Dominic Foppoli to the Golden Gate Bridge District,” she said in a statement. “While the Board of Supervisors does not choose who is appointed to the Golden Gate Bridge District — the recommendation/choice comes from the Mayors & Councilmembers City Selection Committee, many of whom have also called for Dominic’s resignation — the Board can, and will, take a vote next Tuesday regarding our approval of the appointment.”
Hopkins stated she would vote in favor of rescinding the appointment and that she stands “in solidarity and agreement with all eight of the other Mayors of Sonoma County who have publicly called on Dominic Foppoli to resign immediately from all elected and appointed positions. If Mr. Foppoli does not choose to resign, I trust that the leaders and voters of our community will take all actions necessary to strip him of his authority. We cannot reward sexual predators with power.”
Finally, the community will be holding a protest this evening, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the electronic board at the end of the central Windsor off ramp from Highway 101. They are seeking the removal of Foppoli and Fudge, and are organizing through Indivisible Petaluma.
There will also be an event Sunday, listed as a “Community Healing Demonstration and Speaking” on Sunday, April 11 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. The location for this event is TBD.

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