In July, Healdsburg High School¹s Boosters Club approved the
allocation of $36,960 to the high school¹s 17 athletic teams,
bringing its total contribution for the school year to $66,210.
President Kim Thompson noted that the Boosters gift, which supports
all athletic teams and spirit squads equally, works out to a
donation of $120 per player, based on the 2005-06 team rosters.
³This is a generous gift to the high school athletic program,
one that all coaches are grateful to receive,² Athletic Director
Jenean Bingham said. ³We are all aware of Healdsburg school¹s
funding difficulties and Boosters support means that our district
will be able to deliver on its commitment to athletics.²
The Boosters Club supports the high school¹s 17 athletic teams
and during the last four years the organization has contributed
$186,000 to the HHS sports program.
The organization has three important sources of income: the
annual membership drive, a golf tournament at Tayman Park and the
snack bars at Rec Park and HHS gym. Booster Club members pay a
slightly discounted admission price for HHS home games and
³While we are thrilled to complete this donation, we are already
thinking of the upcoming school year and recognize the need to
raise as much or more money for the 2006-07 athletic programs.²
Thompson said. ³We hope that school friends and families will
support our annual membership drive this month and the golf
tournament fundraiser in October.²
All parents whose children are involved in high school sports
are encouraged to attend Boosters meetings. Meeting are regularly
scheduled for the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in room
20 at the high school. For more information contact Kim Thompson,
433-1630, kr***@ao*.com.