The sixth annual Barb¹s Race, a grueling half Ironman triathlon
that included a 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, and 13.1-mile
half-marathon, and Barb¹s Relay, drew more competitors on Saturday
than all other races combined. In all, some 192 individuals
competed in Barb¹s Race, along with 32 relay teams, consisting of
two or three women per team.
Barb¹s race, the only all-women¹s half Ironman triathlon
contested in the world, is named after Healdsburg¹s Barbara
Recchia. As a cancer survivor herself, Recchia founded the race
nearly six years ago and has since served as a dedicated Vineman
volunteer and race organizer. The projected earnings from this
year¹s event are expected to top $33,000, raising the six-year
total to nearly $150,000 toward the fight against cancer. With her
efforts, Recchia has become an inspiration to thousands of women,
who find hope and empowerment through participation in the annual
³I’m always so inspired by the women and their reasons for doing
this race,² said Recchia, who spent most of Saturday afternoon
giving hugs and medals to Barb¹s Race finishers. ³For many of them
this is their first triathlon. Mostly the women want to do this
race because it¹s an all-women¹s event and they feel a sense of
support and camaraderie.²
Half of all entrants¹ fees from Barb¹s Race and Barb¹s Relay go
toward cancer support organizations that include Sutter Breast Care
Center, which provides services for many low-income women and their
families facing the diagnosis or treatment of breast cancer. Also
benefiting greatly is the Memorial Hospital Cancer Library and
Health Resource Center, which provides information to help cancer
patients make critical decisions about treatment options, as well
as providing support groups and other services to help in the
healing process.
³For so many women it¹s about the cause and being survivors or
racing in honor of survivors or in memoriam of others who have
died,² noted Recchia. ³And for probably all of the Barb¹s Racers,
they are just very grateful to be able to physically challenge
themselves and live their dreams.²
Julia Svoboda, 25, of Davis, won Barb¹s Race in a time of
5:14:32. Rounding out the top three were: Kristine Georgie (30, San
Diego, CA, 5:20:43) and Gaylia Osterlund (45, Aptos, CA,
Other local Barb¹s Race finishers included: Jessica Corcaran of
Windsor (35, 6:06:04), Leslie Shaw of Forestville (33, 6:10:08),
Ciara Meaney of Windsor (31, 7:00:01) and Nancy Vaughn of
Healdsburg (49, 7:49:39).
Local finishers in Barb¹s Relay were: Virginia Porter of
Sebastopol (54, 5:49:41), Laurie Van Cleave of Windsor (46,
6:28:32) and Tonya Casarez of Windsor (40, 7:41:06).

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