The Cloverdale City Council has an arduous agenda for its meeting this Wednesday, Oct. 14. The council will be reviewing and considering endorsing a small handful of ballot measures and propositions on the November ballot, considering adopting an urgency ordinance extending temporary housing standards and considering canceling its Nov. 25 and Dec. 23 meetings.
The meeting will be held virtually over Zoom and broadcast on YouTube starting at 6 p.m. To view the agenda, click here.Ā 
The following items are on the consent calendar for the meeting:
ā€¢ Approval of the Sept. 23 and Sept. 25 meeting minutes
ā€¢ Resolution accepting public improvements performed by Resource Development Company (DBA FARR Construction) for the Cloverdale Water Treatment Plant Filter No. 2 Rehabilitation Project
ā€¢ Resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into a Master Professional Services Agreement with Woodard Curran, Inc. for specialty engineering support
ā€¢ Resolution amending Professional Services Agreement with MOE Engineering Inc. for the engineering services associated with the community development block grant in an amount not to exceed $14,115
ā€¢ Resolution approving a professional services agreement with GHS for Capital Improvement Plan and amending the fiscal year 2020-21 budget
ā€¢ Consider endorsing Measure BB, the North Sonoma County Healthcare District ballot measure seeking voter approval to sell district assets ā€” the Healdsburg District Hospital and clinic assets ā€” to NorCal HealthConnect, LLCĀ 
Temporary Housing Standards Urgency Ordinance
The council will be considering adopting an urgency ordinance that builds upon an urgency ordinance originally passed in 2017 that includes the suspension of planning and zoning requirements and state feed for manufactured homes and mobile home parks to help residents displaced by the 2017 fires.
According to background information about the ordinance, the initial urgency ordinance expired in 2019 and was renewed for a year, meaning itā€™s up for renewal again. Passing the ordinance again would extend it for an additional year.
Per city staff explanation, the urgency ordinance:
ā€¢ Allows multi-family residential uses in the Service Commercial Zoning District subject to obtaining plot plan approval from the Community Development District
ā€¢ Allows use of recreational vehicles on private property within all zoning district except properties designated Downtown Commercial
ā€¢ Reduces impact fees for new accessory dwelling units (ADUs) when the ADU fees are considered by city council
To view the full agenda item for the urgency ordinance, click here.
Ballot Endorsements
At its Wednesday meeting, the council will consider endorsing Measure DD, the Sonoma County Transportation Authorityā€™s GoSonoma transportation sales tax.
Measure DD is asking voters to approve a 20-year renewal of the countyā€™s 1/4-cent tax to help with transportation projects throughout the county. The tax is currently implemented under Measure M, which is set to expire in 2025.
The council will also consider passing a resolution endorsing the cityā€™s own tax extension measure, Measure R. If approved, Measure R will extend the cityā€™s current user utility tax until repealed by voters.
Lastly, the council will consider supporting Proposition 20, known as the ā€œReducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act.ā€ Proposition 20 changes the state law to: increase criminal penalties for some theft-related crimes; changes how people released form state prison are supervised in the community; makes various changes to the process created by Proposition 57 for considering the release of inmates from prison; and requires state and local law enforcement to collect DNA from adults convicted of certain crimes.

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