Heather Bailey 

Sign up for safety alerts

In a recent conversation with the top brass in Windsor I’ve come to learn that their outreach to get Windsor residents to sign up for both Nixle and SoCo alerts has not yielded all the fruit they were hoping.
This is a simple and potentially lifesaving, action that will take minutes. If my mother, a brilliant, amazing woman who still can’t figure out how to do attachments on her email can sign up for these things, so can you. The fact that I had Nixle alerts, thanks to my job here, before the October 2017 firestorm is one of the reasons I was able to save my parents’ lives as the fire barreled towards them.
This is personal to me. We got them out just in time, though their home was destroyed, along with a lifetime of memories. I’m haunted by what could have been. Don’t do that to your loved ones. Please sign up.
There are easy to follow instructions for both services online, or town staff has had a booth at recent events, including the Thursday night concerts, where they will walk you through the signup process on your device. There is no downside here, so get out there and sign up.
Meet the candidates
The Rotary Club of Windsor will hold a free candidates’ forum on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at the Wedding Garden at Charlie’s Grill (across the parking lot from the restaurant) in Windsor, from 5:15 to approximately 7:30 p.m. The event will be moderated by Windsor resident and past Rotary president John LeCave.
All 10 town council candidates have been invited to introduce themselves and their positions on important issues. The Rotary Club is a non-political service organization that makes no endorsements (much like this paper) and takes no position on ballot matters, but presents civic issues as a service to the community.
Guests are invited for an opening “mix and mingle” reception with a no-host bar. Those interested in attending are encouraged to see the Windsor Rotary Club’s Facebook page, and indicate “going,” to assist with planning for seating.
The Rotary Club will also host candidates for the Windsor Unified School District Board of Trustees at an upcoming regular club meeting.
Tour De Fox
Windsor residents were startled to find themselves in the midst of a large bike race of sorts on Aug. 25, since very few people had received notice of it. The Tour De Fox, Wine Country is a fundraising ride for The Michael J. Fox Foundation which is seeking a cure for Parkinson’s disease and also for the local GOALS Foundation which supports special needs children and adults in health and fitness.
Rumor has it they keep the ride a bit quiet outside of the biking community because celebrities join the ride from time to time. Such as, to pick a name a random, someone whose name rhymes with Pance Parmstrong.
As of this writing, the Tour De Fox raised over $575,000 for this important cause. Even if you missed the ride, and your chance to see Pance, you can still donate to this worthy endeavor at tourdefox.michaeljfox.org.
Or, if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can go catch the next leg of the tour in the Blue Ridge Mountains in October or in Texas in November.
Heather Bailey is the editor of the Windsor Times.

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