Heather Bailey 

Change is constant

There’s been a lot of changes in our fair town the last year, as outlined in our year in review over the last two issues. And, with many of those changes still in process, 2019 promises to bring even more.

Will the threatened lawsuit over our voting methods change the way votes are cast in Windsor?
Who will take over as the town manager?
Will anything ever happen with the Lytton lands?
How will the closing of Windsor Creek Elementary affect everyone?
To quote the Phantom of the Opera, “What new surprises lie in store?”
The only certainty I can offer is, whatever 2019 brings, we will be there, covering it and letting you know about it.
Since I made some of our local luminaries share their New Year’s resolutions it’s only fair, I suppose, that I share mine too.
I’d like to get in shape this year, after being forced, due to some physical and health issues, to morph into someone very much not in shape. I’m ready to get back to the more active version of myself. So that’s one.
I’d like to spend more time with family and friends. In fact, I’d like more time, period, but this is Resolutions, not Wishes.
I’d like to be more patient and more connected, (for instance if I could not feel my eyes glazing over five minutes into my 9-year-old explaining his latest exploits in Minecraft to me, that would be super helpful). But I’d like to be more patient with all the people in my life, even those who “don’t get it,” a phrase I’m trying to scale out of my vocabulary.
Finally, I’d like to take time to be a little more me. It’s easy to forget who you are when you are busy being a wife, and a mother, and an editor, and a board president, and a daughter and a sister and and and. Those things are all me, but they are not all of me. I’d like to remember that.
Happy New Year!
Heather Bailey is the editor of the Windsor Times.

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