With high energy music from Katy Perry and others on the sound system and excited schoolchildren drumming their hands on the floor, it was noisy at Healdsburg Elementary/Charter School last Friday morning.
Students sat along the sides of the hallways in classroom groups, teachers walked up and down, checking in and maintaining control and all waited for principal Stephanie Feith to announce over the loudspeaker that, “They’re here!”
“They” were the 2018 Healdsburg High School graduates, who had donned caps and gowns a week early to walk the halls at the local elementary schools, to inspire and connect with the younger generation.
When the seniors walked the halls, there were hugs, yells, applause and high-fives.
Afterward, families and friends of this year’s kindergarten classes gathered outside for the school’s first-ever kindergarten promotion ceremony.
Each student received a promotion certificate and parents were reminded to sign up for the “Kinder2College Fund,” a community savings initiative started by volunteers, that promises to start a college savings fund for every public school student, beginning in kindergarten.
For more informatiuon about the college savings initiative, visit kinder2collegefund.com.
The Healdsburg High School Class of 2018 will gather for a graduation ceremony this Friday, June 8 at 7 p.m. at Recreation Park in Healdsburg.

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