Incoming Animals

June 26: A male, Bernese mountain dog/poodle mix was found on Center and Matheson streets and brought in as a stray.

June 26: A male, unaltered, brown tabby with white cat was found on Center and Matheson streets and brought in as a stray.

Adopted Animals

June 24: Peanutbutterjiggles, a black kitten, was adopted.

June 24: This Guy, a black and white kitten, was adopted.

June 27: Dr. Toot, a black kitten, was adopted.

June 29: Clydesdale, a gray and white kitten, was adopted.

June 29: Chicago and Marin, two gray and white kittens, were adopted together.

June 29: Little Smoke, a 5-year-old gray cat, was adopted.

Reclaimed Animals
June 27: The male, Bernese mountain dog/poodle mix, was returned to his owner. 

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