46.4 F
January 2, 2025

Best Picture Oscar Preview

A film considered one of the best should either move the art form forward or be a sterling example of the importance of cinema and what it can achieve in the realm of allowing humanity to see itself better.

Healdsburg Happenings, March 7

Benefits, performances, movies, work parties and public meetings in Healdsburg from now until St. Patrick's Day.

Healdsburg Happenings, Feb. 29

The Fry Quartet performs Friday night, March 1, at The 222, following their Feb. 29 climate crisis film Rising Tide at 7pm.

TEDx Returns With Inspiration

TEDx Sonoma County returns to the spacious, comfortable Jackson Theater on Saturday, March 2, for a lively afternoon of intellectual stimulation and life-changing inspiration from a dozen speakers who have something to say.

Healdsburg Happenings, Feb. 22

Restaurant Week, gallery openings, knife-throwing and Black History Month in Healdsburg this week. And lots more...

Raven Brings the Circus to the Stage for Gala

Imagine if Healdsburg had a performing arts center located right downtown, which offered a stage for performers, an audience for musicians and theater, a school for youth and a troupe for all ages. That would be pretty cool, right?

Healdsburg Happenings, Feb. 15

Joni SituationKate Foley-Beining sings the songs of Joni Mitchell, with a three-piece backing group including Christian Foley-Beining on guitar, Tom Hayashi on drums and Tom Shader, bass. Thursday, Feb. 15, 5-8pm at Furthermore Wines, 328 Healdsburg Ave. Taos CowboyMax Gomes will play his Western cosmic...

Lukas Nelson & POTR at LBC

By Dave Gil de Rubio When Lukas Nelson and his band Promise of the Real (POTR) recorded Sticks and Stones, the outfit’s eighth studio album, it was for a two-fold purpose—to create songs that would be just as easy to play live, and to enable...

Healdsburg Happenings, Feb. 8

Sandman CowboyChris Sand, who performs a blend of folk, punk and hip-hop, was the subject of the feature-length 2010 award-winning documentary, Roll Out, Cowboy. He will play the Second Story stage on Thursday, Feb. 8, starting at 7pm. Little Saint, 25 North St. On Tour...

Stage: Discomfort Food and Comfort Drugs

Chimichangas and Zoloft, now playing at the Raven Performing Arts Theater in Healdsburg through Feb. 11, begins the day after Sonia Martinez (Norma Stevens) turns 40.