Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 24
The Ghost Quartet at The 222, Friday through Sunday, promises something more than your usual ghost story. It’s a musical exploration of themes, forms and styles, described as “a song cycle about love, death, and whiskey” by its creator, Dave Malloy. That and other events listed in our weekly Healdsburg Happenings...
‘Southern Songwriters’ Premieres at Costeaux
Patrick Davis is a storyteller at heart, but until recently his stories have been lyrics sung to melodies. Now he adds interviewer, historian and treasure finder to his repertoire in his newly released public access television series, Southern Songwriters"...
A Trap in Two Acts
By Harry Duke
Reviewing a mystery/thriller is always a challenge. One wants to leave a play’s twists and turns for the audience to discover on their own, but in evaluating the play one can’t but help give a bit away. This is my way of...
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 17
Ira Levin’s 'Deathtrap,' the longest running comedy-thriller on Broadway, comes to Healdsburg this month, presented by the Raven Players. Continues with a pay-what-you-can show on Thursday, then Fridays through Sundays until Oct. 27. Reviewed this issue...
New Grants for Artists to ‘Spark Long-Term Change’
Local individuals and organizations are eyeing a “transformative grant program” launched by The Arts and Culture Collective of Northern Sonoma County, in partnership with Corazón Healdsburg, to let their creative dreams take flight and give voice to the underrepresented voices of the area.
Applications for...
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 10
Ira Levin’s Deathtrap, the longest running comedy-thriller on Broadway, comes to Healdsburg this month, presented by the Raven Players. These and other events are listed in our weekly Calendar...
Spotlight: Healdsburg Arts Festival
The growing, annual Healdsburg Arts Festival took over the Plaza for what organizers believe to be its 10th year last Saturday. An estimated 500-plus people showed up to peruse the 50 booths that artists set up that day to show off and sell their...
Shorts Fest Opens Portal to Dozens of Little Worlds
Just steps from the Healdsburg Arts Festival over the weekend, behind the doors of the Raven Theater on North Street, another local festival with an almost cult-like following in the hundreds played out behind the scenes: the Healdsburg International Short Film Festival. Signs around...
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 3
Desert Rock
Montana-based indie band King Ropes brings their “ramshackle psychedelic Americana noise pop” to the cozy second-floor concert space at Little Saint, that vegan-food emporium at 25 North St. Doors open at 6pm on Thursday, Oct. 3; show is free, but reserve your seats...
Inside Jendala’s Creative Space
The Healdsburg Arts Festival is back again this year, pared down to one busy day in the Plaza. Starting Saturday morning at 10am until 7pm, more than 40 artists will sell their personal and unique artwork of every description—from watercolors, oils and acrylics to...