Recycle E-Waste Over 3-day weekend
Old televisions, computers and tablets, outdated cell phones and any number of other electronic devices that have passed their useful lifespan can be recycled at a three-day E-Waste Disposal event this weekend at the Healdsburg Community Center.
“Electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including...
Healdsburg Happenings
California Roots
The Coffis Brothers bring their NorCal roots rock to Elephant in the Room on Friday night, May 5, from 8-11. Like most Elephant events, it’s $10. 177a Healdsburg Ave.,
Emergency Expo
Stop, drop and roll into the Healdsburg Fire and Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday,...
Healdsburg Happenings
Final DEI Meeting
“Is the Dream Alive and Well in Healdsburg?” is the title of the fifth and final encuentro in Healdsburg’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion series. This meeting explores contemporary and historical experiences of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in Healdsburg and...
Savoring the Spring in Anderson Valley
There’s so much to love about the Anderson Valley year-round, but spring is an especially delightful time of year.
With mellow temperatures, gardens bursting with fresh produce, verdant vineyards spotted with mustard and the scent of wildflowers in the air, this is a magical time...
Climate Fest Brings Earth Day Home
Earth Day dates back to April 22, 1970 when Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed a nationwide environmental “teach-in” to bring awareness to the threats that unbridled development held for the limited resources of the planet.
More than 50 years later, the need for environmental education...
Pinot Wine Lounge With a Live Soundtrack
It doesn’t always take a stage to put on a show. At Furthermore Wines in Healdsburg, there’s simply a corner inside the front doors where the talent—the singer/guitarist, the jazz duo or trio, the five-piece soul band or the stand-up comic—sets up, and just...
Healdsburg Happenings
Great Redwood Trail
Public meeting of the Great Redwood Trail Agency board of directors, to be held Thursday, April 20, at 10:30am at Healdsburg City Council Chambers, 401 Grove St.
Not Kansas?
Join Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road to Oz, with her friends Scarecrow, Tin Man,...
Healdsburg Happenings
Farmers’ Market Startup
On April 15, the Healdsburg Certified Farmers’ Market returns to West Plaza Parking Lot at North and Vine, and every Saturday thereafter into December, from 8:30am to noon.
Grunge Saturday
Celebrate tax day on April 15 with a grunge immersion at Coyote Sonoma, where...
AVFest Delivers 10 Days of Films
The ninth annual AVFest will return to northern Sonoma County Friday, April 28 through Sunday, May 7, bringing 10 days of indie film screenings with wine country flavor to Cloverdale and Healdsburg, promises AVFilm.
Opening in Cloverdale, AVFest kicks off with a block party on...