Photo Gallery: Día de Muertos
As many as 6,000 people visited Healdsburg’s Plaza area on Sunday, Oct. 19, to celebrate the 2013 Dia de Muertos festival, presented by Corazon Healdsburg and the City of Healdsburg.
Photographer Rick Tang ( was on hand and took many images of the colorful event,...
Slidin’ Back Into Town
A little-known country song of recent years begins with the words: “I shook the hand of the man who shook hands with the King.” It’s about being close enough to greatness to touch it—at least second hand.
Roy Rogers has touched the hand of so...
Larger-Than-Life Composer Celebrated at St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, the 123-year-old redwood church on the corner of Matheson and East streets, is hosting an informal music festival to recognize one of the most colorful characters in classical music, Max Reger, on the 150th anniversary of his birth in 1873.
Healdsburg Happenings, Nov. 2
Book SaleThe Friends of the Healdsburg Library fundraising book sale continues through Saturday, Nov. 4. All are welcome Thursday and Friday, 10am to 5:30pm, but bring your own bag for special “bag sale” prices on Saturday, 10am to 3pm. The Healdsburg Library is at...
Ungrateful ‘Dead’ Spills Over
This article was contributed by Harry Duke.
If the lack of a splatter zone is what’s kept you from returning to live theater, do the Raven Players have a show for you. Evil Dead: The Musical is running at the Raven Performing Arts Theater...
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 26
Design DialogsCraftWork presents the second of three Design Dialogs on Thursday, Oct. 26, starting at 5:30pm. The panel will discuss transportation and connectivity, including the Russian River Master Plan, North Healdsburg Avenue’s “complete streets” plan and the arrival of SMART. CraftWork is at 445...
The All-Too-Brief Run of ‘Asher Lev’
Bohemian drama critic Harry Duke contributed this review.
In the 10-or-so years I’ve been doing theater journalism, I’ve probably seen close to one thousand shows, with about one-third of them being productions of Mamma Mia!—though The Addams Family Musical is rapidly approaching that number.
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 19
Get SMARTA community workshop to evaluate the planned location of the SMART station will be held from 6-7:30pm on Thursday, Oct. 19, at the Healdsburg Senior Center, 133 Matheson St. City staff and representatives from SMART and Sonoma County Transit will be available to...
Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 12
Goings on around town this week and next in the Greater Healdsburg metropolis.