72.5 F
September 7, 2024

Fishing Report: Salmon Outlook: Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns

When preparing for any fishing trip, there are a lot of things to consider. In fact, the success of most fishing trips is 90 percent dependent on preparation before you even get to the water. And, of course, one of the most critical decisions made is based on the weather conditions, especially when headed out on the ocean. Today’s fisherman has so many advantages with the Internet and modern day technology when it comes to forecasting but there is really nothing that can substitute real-time first-hand observations from where you want to go.

Healdsburg Happenings, Oct. 5

Museum Walkabout Meet at the Healdsburg Museum on Saturday, Oct. 7 for a two-hour walk though Healdsburg to visit local sites related to the Museum’s current exhibit on African-American Histories. 10am, 221 Matheson St.

THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE: Seeds, seeds! Open-pollinated? Heirloom?

The best plant sale ever on August 22 and 23 at Occidental Arts


Roger Ebert, RIP

The wheel of light

Saturn is one of the “movers and shakers” of the solar system.

Holiday disasters and the end of the world

I’m not really concerned about the world’s end (it’s supposed to arrive next week) but I do worry about the Russian River this time of year. In Guerneville instead of the end of existence we have floods.


I am writing this the week before the long weekend because the

Circuit Rider’s annual plant sale

Circuit Rider Productions of Windsor will hold its annual Spring

Cider and Wine Together

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a small trend start among winemakers and cider makers.  It's called cofermentation, or blending, of apples and grapes or cider and wine together, to make cider-wines.  Cider and wine coferments involve fermenting the apple juice and grapes together, rather...

Off the Page

A Literary Laureate Reflects