True to Healdburg’s designation as the first Age Friendly City in Sonoma County, the City Council officially recognized International Active Aging Week at its Oct. 2 meeting. The message is that regardless of age or health conditions, adults over 50 can live fully in all areas of life.
So the Healdsburg Senior Center lined up a raft of active events for seniors this week, beginning with a “Mystery Tour” on Monday and concluding Friday with an “Engage with Friends” mixer.
“Seniors are valued employees and volunteers in our town and are working every day to make Healdsburg a better place for all, and for our actively aging seniors,” said Donna O’Brien, the current chair of the Senior Citizens Advisory Commission.
A statement on the Senior Center’s Facebook page read, “Active Aging Week challenges society’s diminished expectations of aging by showing that regardless of age or health conditions adults over 50 can live fully in all areas of life.” That appears to have motivated the planning committee to create a diverse and enjoyable series of events all week.
Along with the Oct. 2 Magical Mystery Bus tour, Tuesday saw a morning neighborhood walking tour with the Healdsburg Museum, followed by the evening’s artist’s reception at the Senior Center. Photographer Rick Tang launched a display of his more unusual personal works in a colorful series of large-format images, in a show that lasts through October.
Wednesday brought a long walk to the Community Center, followed by a blackjack tourney at the Matheson Street center. Thursday’s big event is taking the SMART train all the way to Larkspur and back, with lunch along the way.
The week culminates with Friday’s Engage with Friends event, where raffles and drawings are sure to turn up surprisingly valuable prizes.
Betty Wadsworth, a volunteer with the center, extended a special invitation to “a lovely little happy hour” at the Senior Center on Friday, from 5-7pm. “We’ll have raffle baskets and wine, and it will be our big end-of-the-week for Active Aging,” she said. “Everyone of drinking age is welcome to come, so we hope you will all join us.”
Raffle prizes have been donated by the community and all proceeds go to the Rose Pavoni Assistance Fund to enable local seniors to experience classes, events and outings.
The Senior Center is located at 133 Matheson St. Tickets for Engage with Friends, 5-7pm on Oct. 6, are $25 and include one drink and a raffle ticket. For tickets call (707) 431-3324.
I’ve been actively aging for years now in Healdsburg. I see that the Senior Center will raffle off baskets and wine for those who are of drinking age. What about those of us who are too old to drink?