For the next several weeks we’ll be featuring some of the top graduating senior athletes from Windsor High School, recalling their many highlights and accomplishments.
Although there are far too many athletes to list, the students selected in the coming issues all had one thing in common; they represented themselves and their school with tremendous talent, dedication and sportsmanship. This is part four of an eight-part series.
Christian Jernigan
Senior Christian Jernigan was one of the top athletes of his graduating class, excelling in football and basketball. A six-foot-six inch defensive lineman, Jernigan was an imposing figure on the gridiron. His best moments came on the basketball court, where he was an all league center, leading the Jaguars in scoring and rebounding for two seasons.
Riley West
Senior Riley West enjoyed a distinguished Windsor High School sports career, earning varsity letters in basketball and swimming. A power forward on the basketball court, West overcame injuries to become a steady contributor and team leader for three seasons. She was equally strong in multiple seasons in the swimming pool, where she excelled in both individual and relay events.