Monday, June 10
10:11am A hit-and-run accident occurred on Greens Drive at Matheson Street. The driver of the other vehicle stopped to make sure the victim was okay, but then left before exchanging information. Officers responded and took a report.
11:51am Petty theft occurred on Highland Circle. A garage door opener was taken from an unlocked vehicle. An officer responded and took a report.
3:02pm Petty theft occurred at Safeway on Vine Street. A man came into the store three times and left with different items each time, including seltzer and laundry soap. The store was not willing to press charges, but was willing to file trespass paperwork against the man if he could be identified.
3:42pm A 39-Year-Old (YO) man was panhandling with an offensive sign and made obscene gestures at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. The Reporting Party (RP) was a concerned citizen. The man was arrested and cited for violating probation, theft or misappropriation of lost property, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine and possession of a controlled substance.
4:39pm The RP on Johnson Street purchased a computer with security software and subsequently received a call from someone falsely claiming to be from the security company asking for permission to access his computer. The RP granted access. The imposter offered a $200 reward for taking the RP’s time and then sent the RP $2,000, which the imposter demanded back. The RP completed the transaction. The RP’s bank, BMO, requested a police report. An officer responded and took a report.
6:29pm A 51-YO man was cited and released at Safeway on Vine Street on three outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding illegal squatting, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Tuesday, June 11
6:46am Petty theft from two different vehicles occurred on Sunnyside Drive. The RP found items from the front center console of his unlocked vehicle scattered on the seat. The RP’s girlfriend indicated that a purse, containing a wallet, Social Security card and vehicle key, was stolen from the girlfriend’s unlocked vehicle. Subsequently, the bank indicated a transaction was declined at an area motel.
3:11pm Two locked vehicles were broken into while parked in the driveway on University Avenue. There was no sign of forced entry. An iPod and a coin purse were taken. The RP wanted the incident logged.
3:15pm A probation search was conducted near the Healdsburg Gas Mart on Healdsburg Avenue. A 39-YO man was cited for violation of probation, trespass, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine and possession of a controlled substance.
3:50pm RP on Boxheart Drive received a scam email posing as Amazon requesting personal information including her Social Security number and her credit card number, which she provided. The RP subsequently realized she was scammed, although she did not lose money. The RP also reported the incident to the Federal Trade Commission. The RP requested an incident number.
5:20pm The RP indicated that two people were on a motorcycle driving recklessly at Badger Park on Heron Drive. Officers checked the area, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
5:38pm A vehicle was stopped on North Street. A 47-YO man was cited and released for violation of probation and theft or misappropriation of lost property.
8:08pm Two RPs indicated that a gunshot was heard near the Healdsburg Community Center on Healdsburg Avenue. A third RP indicated that the sound was a firework. The firework was thrown in front of the north side of the building and the debris was on the ground. A group of six juveniles were nearby. Officers responded, contacted the juveniles and confirmed the sound was a firework.
10:19pm A woman was screaming “Get out!” and throwing items in her room at the L&M Motel on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP believed the woman was alone because no one else was heard, and the woman had behaved in a similar way previously. Officers responded, but the woman was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
11:07pm A vehicle was stopped on Healdsburg Avenue at Powell Avenue for violating headlight rules, running a red light, making an illegal left turn, speeding and disobeying traffic signals. A 38-YO man was arrested for drunk driving and resisting arrest. He was taken to county jail and his vehicle was towed.
Wednesday, June 12
10:11am The RP indicated that a reckless driver on Old Redwood Highway at Highway 101 was weaving in and out of traffic and attempted to run the RP off the road. An officer responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
10:40am A 38-YO man was cited and released near McDonald’s on Healdsburg Avenue on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine.
11:15am The RP at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue indicated that a person came in on June 11 and took items valued at $83.70 including sushi, cheese, a beer, hot bar food and a shopping basket. The RP was willing to press charges.
12:07pm A vehicle was stopped on Dry Creek Road at Kinley Drive for violating tail light and window tinting rules. A 33-YO man was cited and released for not using a required interlock ignition device, driving with a license suspended for driving under the influence (DUI), lacking proof of insurance, violating probation and on two outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding driving with a license suspended for DUI, possessing a firearm without a serial number and reckless driving.
2:20pm The RP indicated that someone entered his unlocked vehicle on Josephine Lane and took his garage door opener, opened the garage and stole his bike worth approximately $700. The RP was willing to press charges. An officer responded and took a report.
3:56pm The RP stated that a vehicle turned left on West Grant Street at Grove Street and hit an elderly woman crossing the street in a wheelchair. The woman was transported to Healdsburg General Hospital. An officer responded and took a report.
6:59pm The RP indicated that a man and woman went through about seven mailboxes at Radiant Life Company on Healdsburg Avenue and stole a stack of mail. The RP was referred to the United States Postal Service. Officers responded to look for the suspects, who were gone on arrival and unable to be located.
8:15pm Multiple RPs indicated that a driver of a truck hit a pole on Grove Street at Farm Stand Road and fled on foot. Officers responded to look for the suspect, but the driver was unable to be located. The vehicle was towed.
9:54pm The RP indicated that a man and woman were in a verbal argument at L&M Motel on Healdsburg Avenue. The woman yelled at the man to leave and threw items. Officers responded and determined such behavior was an ongoing issue. Information was forwarded to a family therapist to follow up.
10:40pm The RP indicated that he and his friends played Ding, Dong, Ditch on Sunnyside Drive at Powell Avenue and one of the occupants of a house chased the RP, pinned him against a truck, hit him and showed him a firearm described as a black “Glock.” Officers responded, took a report and forwarded the information to the District Attorney for review.
Thursday, June 13
12:22am An officer saw a vehicle doing donuts under the overpass at the Dry Creek Road exit of Highway 101. The vehicle subsequently went westbound on Dry Creek Road. Officers unsuccessfully tried to locate the vehicle.
11:33am The RP indicated that the RP’s vehicle was hit on June 12 on Grove Street. An officer responded and provided an incident number for insurance.
Friday, June 14
8:36am The RP indicated two men were in an argument at Badger Park on Heron Drive. Officers responded, but the subjects were gone on arrival and unable to be located.
12:29pm The RP indicated that her vehicle was rummaged through on Sanns Lane sometime between June 6 and June 12. The RP’s vehicle was parked in her driveway and she was unsure if the vehicle was locked. The RP’s vehicle registration, handicap placard paperwork and post office key ring were stolen. An officer responded and took a report.
5:32pm A 47-YO man was cited at the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding failure to appear in court and driving with a license suspended for DUI.
7:45pm Officers responded to a physical altercation between two males on March Avenue at Tulip Court. When the officers arrived, they found the victim bleeding from injuries to his head. The victim was transported to a local hospital. During the investigation, the officers identified the 18-YO male suspect who had fled the area after the assault. The suspect and an 18-YO female accessory were arrested on June 15. The suspect was arrested for felony mayhem, felony assault with a deadly weapon with possibility of causing great bodily injury and felony battery with serious bodily injury. The woman was arrested for felony accessory after the fact.
8:37pm The RP on Ward Street stated that his uncle kicked him three times on the leg. The RP subsequently left the scene. The RP declined medical treatment. An officer spoke with the RP to document the incident. The RP was willing to press charges. An officer followed up, obtained conflicting information, took a report and referred the case to the District Attorney.
June 15, 2024
7:14am The RP on Sawmill Circle saw a male trespasser via the live feed of a camera. An officer responded, but the person was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
10:24pm A vehicle was stopped for violating tail light rules on Healdsburg Avenue at Grove Street. A 30-YO man was cited and released on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding drunk driving.
11:07pm The RP indicated that a person was possibly driving drunk on Montage Way. The information was logged, and law enforcement officers were on the lookout for the driver.
Sunday, June 16
1:28am Multiple RPs indicated that a man and woman were in a verbal altercation on Healdsburg Avenue. Both subjects had dogs, and the man may have had a scooter. One of the witnesses saw the man hit the woman. Another RP stated the man told the woman close to her face that he was going to kill her. Officers responded and located the man and woman. An emergency protective order was granted. A 25-YO man was arrested and brought to county jail for domestic battery.
6:35am The RP at Goodwill Industries on Healdsburg Avenue indicated that a man and woman were possibly arguing. The woman was curled up and the man was standing above her. Officers responded. A 44-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation and possession of drug paraphernalia.
8:40am A city ordinance violation occurred at Wine Country Getaways on Prince Avenue. The RP indicated a house was doing construction which was not allowed on Sundays. Officers responded and the crew shut down for the day.
12:13pm The RP indicated that her neighbor came to her house on Canyon Run, let her dog out and threatened to shoot her. No firearm was seen. The RP stated that she had left a note on her neighbor’s door which may have upset her neighbor and caused him to come over and threaten her. Officers responded, contacted the parties and took a report.
2:32pm An officer stopped a 43-YO man for a probation check at Safeway on Vine Street. He was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation and resisting arrest.
3:37pm The RP indicated a man on Center Street was swearing at people and threatening to hit people in the plaza. The RP stated the man had open containers and a bag with him. Officers responded and arrested a 39-YO man for public intoxication. He was taken to county jail.
4:03pm Grand theft occurred near Drewish Deli on Healdsburg Avenue at Grant Avenue. The RP stated that her two mountain bikes valued at $5,000 were stolen off the back of her vehicle. An officer responded and took a report.
4:07pm There was a report of an accident near the former location of Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Avenue. An officer responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
7:08pm The RP at Lo & Behold stated there was a theft of an e-bike worth $3,800 on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers responded, checked the area and took a report.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner