Monday, March 4
12:20pm The Reporting Party (RP) at Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue indicated that the store wanted to file a trespassing letter against a woman who assaulted someone the previous day. That incident was not reported, and the victim does not want to press charges at this time.
1:45pm An officer arrested a 45-year-old (YO) woman on Healdsburg Avenue at Alexander Valley Road and transported her to county jail on an outstanding Sonoma County warrant regarding assault with a deadly weapon.
3:11pm A 43-YO man was arrested in Santa Rosa for evading Healdsburg police on March 3, 2024, when he abandoned his vehicle near Villa Chanticleer and fled on foot into the woods of Fitch Mountain. Healdsburg Police charged him with one felony charge of evading an officer, resisting arrest, driving without an interlock device, violation of probation, reckless driving, driving the wrong way on a road and driving with a suspended license from a prior DUI.
3:41pm Fraud occurred at Rite Aid Drugstore on Healdsburg Avenue. Two men perpetrated a scam, which was also conducted at a Ukiah Rite Aid store, where the suspects confused the cashier and stole cash. An officer responded and took a report.
4:02pm An arrest for a previous incident occurred near Dollar Tree on Vine Street. The Flock license plate reader alerted police to a grand theft. A 43-YO man was arrested and taken to county jail for grand theft and criminal conspiracy.
8:36pm A woman banged on the RP’s car window at Safeway on Vine Street. Officers responded and arrested a 28-YO woman for public intoxication. They took her to county jail.
Tuesday, March 5
10:19am A 36-YO man was contacted by police for walking in the roadway on Grove Street. He was cited and released on outstanding Sonoma County warrants regarding contempt of court.
2:33pm A 47-YO man went to the lobby of the Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street to surrender on three warrants regarding possession of methamphetamine.
4:04pm The RP, a landlord on West Grant Street, indicated one of her tenants may have threatened to kill another tenant and that tenant’s dog if that tenant did not stop calling the police. An officer responded and spoke with the targeted subject about her concerns about multiple neighbors. No crime was evident, and she was advised to call the police back with any further issues.
Wednesday, March 6
7:50am Graffiti reported on Grove Street.
7:53am Graffiti reported on Grant Street at Larkspur Drive.
12:53pm Trespassing occurred at Ceja Quality Tires on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP stated the subject was a recent customer and has been driving by and yelling at the employees. She said things such as “You’re going to hell,” “I’m going to beat you guys,” “I’m going to send somebody over here” and “You guys are gang members.” Dispatch sent the RP a trespass letter to file against the subject.
1:01pm A probation search was conducted at Safeway on Vine Street. A 46-YO man was cited and released for violating probation.
1:14pm Petty theft occurred at Goodwill Industries on Healdsburg Avenue. The subject left the store with a huge bag of clothes and wearing clothing from the store. The subject was pushing a shopping cart. Officers located the suspect and arrested a 41-YO woman for possession of drug paraphernalia, shoplifting and theft of a shopping cart. She was taken to county jail and the shopping cart was returned to CVS.
2:34pm Drunk driving occurred on South Fitch Mountain Road at Greens Drive. A 20-YO man was cited for driving under the influence of drugs and misdemeanor hit-and-run. He was admitted to Healdsburg General Hospital.
6:24pm A hit-and-run occurred on Center Street. The RP stated that on March 5th or 6th his driver door and back panel of the vehicle were damaged. An officer responded and took a report.
Thursday, March 7
8:40am Fraud occurred at Circle K on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated an employee cleared out the register and left the business. While an officer investigated, the employee returned to the store and it was determined she was a victim of a fraudulent phone call. The employee believed someone requested money for the business. The money was sent to an unknown suspect. A report was taken.
10:06am Drunk driving occurred near Hardwear on Healdsburg Avenue. The RP indicated a driver of a vehicle with three male occupants appeared to be drinking whiskey out of a bottle. An officer responded and located the vehicle at Rotten Robbie. One subject fled on foot. A 35-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for drunk driving and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.
10:33am The RP on Grove Street indicated that while corresponding with a colleague via email, someone intercepted the email. A wire of $83,000 was sent to the person who hacked the email. An officer responded and took a report.
12:37pm Petty theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. A woman took $57.64 worth of items, including hot food, pepper jelly and cake slices from Costeaux. A 55-YO woman was cited for the theft and officially trespassed from the business.
1:43pm A physical fight between two men and one woman occurred near Framing Arts on Vine Street. Officers responded and contacted the parties. The individuals were not willing to press charges, and medical care was declined.
2:33pm Grand theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Avenue. On March 6, three men associated with each other took turns coming into the store and stealing wine, valued at $1,201. Officers responded and took a report.
5:02pm A cyber/computer crime occurred on West Perkins Street. The RP indicated she paid a $1,200 deposit on an apartment in Ukiah. The owner refused to show her the apartment unless she gave him $2,000 more. When she refused, the owner claimed he would refund her money, but he didn’t and blocked her number. The original deposit was made to the owner’s account at Chase Bank in Cloverdale. The RP was instructed to contact the Cloverdale police department.
Friday, March 8
9:19am A homeless couple was in the restroom at Hotel Healdsburg on Matheson Street and refused to leave. They charged their devices. Two officers and a therapist responded and advised them to move along.
10:40am An officer and a therapist served an outstanding warrant regarding trespassing on a 53-YO man at Carson Warner Skate Park on Grove Street. He was cited and released.
11:34am Two officers served an outstanding warrant regarding violation of probation and domestic battery on a 39-YO man on Fitch Street. He was arrested and taken to county jail.
12:40pm The RP indicated she lost her Apple Watch in Santa Rosa approximately two months previously. The Find My app pinged to Quarry Ridge Court and later to Canyon Run. An officer responded to the updated location, but was unable to connect with anyone. The RP requested that the police try again later.
1:25pm The RP indicated that a person on Vine Street screamed at a homeless man and shoved his property. The person then went inside Safeway. The RP called back stating he proceeded to the bike path along Vine Street. A second RP reported the man threatened to hit him and threw property. Officers responded and a 27-YO man was transported to Healdsburg General Hospital for medical clearance. He was then taken to county jail for violating probation, resisting arrest and public intoxication.
4:00pm Officers located a suspect vehicle in a stolen property case at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Road. A 54-YO man was arrested for receiving stolen property and transported to county jail.
9:33pm An officer served an outstanding juvenile warrant regarding criminal threats and vandalism at Badger Park on Heron Drive. Although the subject is now over 18, he was transported to juvenile hall due to the type of warrant.
Saturday, March 9
8:42pm An officer arrested a 39-YO man at Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue for violation of probation. He was transported to county jail.
10:37pm Assault with a deadly weapon occurred on Brown Street. Multiple calls were received. The first RP stated two men were in an argument. One man was walking away and the other was throwing things at him. The second caller was the victim who reported that a man broke into the house and hit him with a baseball bat. The third RP stated a man walking on Brown Street appeared to be injured. A 55-YO man was transported to Healdsburg General Hospital for medical clearance for a split hernia. He was then arrested and taken to county.jail for burglary, assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism.
Sunday, March 10
12:09am Assault occurred at Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue. A female was on the ground being rolled by a male. Officers responded and transported a subject to Memorial Hospital. No charges were filed because the mutual combat involved family members who did not want to press charges.
9:33am Graffiti reported on Fitch Street near Alley 1.
11:44am Reckless driving was reported on Redwood Highway at Lytton Springs Road. An officer responded, but the vehicle was gone on arrival and unable to be located.
2:34pm A vehicle was stopped for violating tail light rules near Rotten Robbie on Healdsburg Avenue. A 64-YO man was arrested and transported to county jail for violating probation.11:18pm The RP indicated she was hit by a man in the West Plaza Parking lot on Healdsburg Avenue. Officers responded and arrested a 24-YO man for domestic violence. He was transported to county jail.
Compiled by Carolyn Brenner