A young woman from Healdsburg has been arrested along with three Santa Rosa residents for running what police call an elaborate, $7.8 million “money laundering and international telephone scam enterprise” with victims all across the United States, many of them elderly. It took a team of detectives from the Santa Rosa Police Department an entire year to crack the case. They claim that Healdsburg resident Brileigh Blosser, 21, and her cohorts were “willingly conspiring with an overseas scam call center to launder stolen money through an elaborate scheme before sending it back overseas.” More from Santa Rosa police officials: “These scams included false personation of law enforcement to trick citizens into paying money to settle outstanding warrants or overdue taxes, ‘Norton Lifelock’ scams, computer virus scams, and remote bank account hacking through tricks or elaborate schemes. The victims were ultimately convinced or tricked into completing wire transfers to bank accounts being controlled by” 21-year-old Santa Rosa resident Alexander King Knigge, the alleged ringleader. Meanwhile, the Healdsburg suspect is charged with conspiracy, money laundering, “aggravated white collar crime enhancement” and “identity theft with 10+ victims.” She was arrested in late November in Petaluma, with her bail set at $1 million. You can read more details about the case here. (Santa Rosa Police via Facebook)

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Simone Wilson was born and raised in Healdsburg, CA, where she was the editor of the Healdsburg High School Hound's Bark. She has since worked as a local journalist for publications in San Diego, Los Angeles, New York City and the Middle East. Simone is now a senior product manager and staff writer for the Healdsburg Tribune.


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