POLICE FLEET Police cars cleaned, fueled and ready to patrol at Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street. (Photo by Christian Kallen)

Monday, May 15

7:01am. Grand theft at Syar Industries on Healdsburg Ave. Reporting Party (RP) is chasing a subject who “just stole a bunch of copper from the plant.” Estimated value: $30,000. Suspect described as an adult male wearing a COVID mask, black sweater and blue jeans. Officers responded, suspect gone on arrival. 

9:44pm.  Warrant service at St Johns Church, Matheson St. Vehicle was stopped for registration check. A 36-year-old female was cited and released on a Sonoma County warrant for methamphetamine possession. 

Tuesday, May 16

1:40am. Officer initiated activity at March Ave./Daisy St. Officer went out with an ambulance for a subject behind the wheel of a vehicle possibly sleeping. A 25-year-old male was arrested, prebooked and transported to County Jail for driving under the influence and driving with a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) over .08%.

5:08pm. Driving on a suspended license citation issued during officer initiated activity at Safeway, Vine St. 

7:40pm. Hit and run accident reported at Lola’s on Healdsburg Ave. Report that a woman in a Toyota hit the RP’s car with her door and left a dent. The suspect denied hitting the vehicle and went into Lola’s. Officer responded; suspect gone on arrival.

7:57pm. RP calling to report from O’Reilly Auto Parts on Healdsburg Ave. that she believes she saw the subject who assaulted her on May 9 at Hotel Healdsburg. RP states he is on his bicycle and in a yellow shirt. RP did not want officer contact. Officers responded, unable to locate.

Wednesday, May 17

1:13am. Officer initiated activity at Jerry’s Valero, Dry Creek Rd. Vehicle was stopped for failure to use turn signal; a 49-year-old male was cited and released on the Sonoma County warrants for possession of meth, paraphernalia and driving without a license. 

3:42pm. Hit and run accident reported at Safeway on Vine St. About 20 minutes ago, RP’s vehicle was hit in the parking lot. A witness took a picture of the suspect vehicle (white Dodge Ram with black rack in the bed).

10:18pm. Reckless driver at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd. Report of a green Honda sedan swerving and speeding. Officers responded and located the vehicle, subject was advised about her driving. 

Thursday, May 18

1:38am. Officer initiated activity at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd., for vehicle left standing on the road northbound. A 42-year-old female was arrested and transported to County Jail on two  Sonoma County and one out-of-county warrants for possession of a controlled substance, two counts of illegal paraphernalia possession and driving on a suspended license. A 41-year-old male was cited and released for driving with a suspended license and probation violation.

6:07am. Accident at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd. Report of a solo vehicle over the embankment of 101 South. Subject is out of the vehicle. Medical started as a precaution. Officers responded, and caller transferred to CHP. Officers stayed on scene until fire and medical arrived. 

10:36am. Embezzlement reported on Canyon Run. RP states her sister, the executor of their mother’s estate, stole the trust money despite designation for the RP to a special needs trust. RP went to civil courts, RP states sister lives in AZ. Officer responded, saying RP must provide documents regarding the civil settlement to determine further law enforcement action.

1:00pm. Reckless driving on Old Redwood Hwy. RP states a white truck is all over the road on 101. Transferred caller to CHP, call transferred back due to the vehicle exiting at 101/Old Redwood Hwy. Last direction of travel northbound from bridge. Officer responded, unable to locate.

1:02pm. Disturbance at Eddinger Enterprises on W. North St. Female, 40s, red top, is yelling that her car died. She is saying, “This is what you did.” RP states a yellow truck just arrived and is offering her assistance. 

8:15pm. Reckless driver at O’Reilly Auto Parts. RP stated he was passed by a black Tesla (unknown plate) driving approx. 60mph+ southbound on Healdsburg Ave., RP saw the vehicle pull into the listed location but continued driving. Driving behavior was erratic and vehicle was speeding. RP provided a description of the driver.

10:28pm. Fraud at Safeway on Vine St. RP stated someone inside the store is using fake money to exchange for real money. RP states the subject turned $1 into $100 bills. 

Friday, May 19

9:46am. Accident at Hotel Vinea on Dry Creek Rd. RP is third party and states two trucks were just in a collision, unknown injuries. Trucks are pulled over to the side and vehicles are veering out of the way. Second RP reporting the same incident. Officer responded and facilitated info exchange among involved parties. Both parties stated they were fine and declined medical.

11:56am. Disturbance at Railroad Park on Front St. RP states he was verbally assaulted by a male adult, 35-40, dark clothing and unknown weapons. Suspect left in a white Subaru and went on Healdsburg Ave. Officers responded. The parties are separated. 

12:21pm. Unwanted subject at Russian River Trailer Park on Healdsburg Ave. RP had questions regarding a tenant violating an agreement of a friend staying beyond 10 days. The RP was advised on civil courts and the eviction process. 

3:09pm. Disturbance at Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce on Healdsburg Ave. RP states a male on skateboard is yelling at vehicles. The RP is worried something bad will happen. Officers responded, the subject was contacted, no further assistance needed. 

4:24pm. Officers stopped a vehicle for false registration tabs at southbound ramp, Redwood Hwy./Arata Ln., Windsor. A 28-year-old female was arrested on probable cause for possession of tear gas, driving with a suspended license and bringing a controlled substance into prison. A 27-year-old man was arrested for pepper spray violation and violation of terms of probation. Both subjects transported directly to County Jail and the vehicle was towed.

8:35pm. RP wanted to report an intoxicated driver on Healdsburg Ave. RP stated subject came to the park earlier with a bottle of tequila in hand. RP stated he is also a known meth user. Vehicle description: white Honda or Toyota van, unknown plate. Officers responded, unable to locate.

Saturday, May 20

12:10am. Solo vehicle collision with a cement divide on Healdsburg Ave. RP sees a male in the intersection and he appears to be attempting to lift his vehicle. Officers responded, a 23-year-old man was cited and released to a responsible party for driving under the influence and driving with a BAC over .08%.

4:25pm. Disturbance-verbal or physical at Railroad Park on Front St. Subject is yelling, screaming and taunting to come out and fight him. Officers responded, parties separated. Subject will be leaving the area. 

6:44pm. Disturbance at Swensen Lot (West Plaza parking lot) on Healdsburg Ave. RP advised he was walking with his dog and daughter and had a verbal encounter with the driver of  a delivery truck parked on the sidewalk. The RP could not give the company’s name without making a guess. No criminal threats were made and nothing became physical. Logged for information only.

Sunday, May 21

12:54am. Disturbance at Fairview Inn & Suites on Healdsburg Ave. RP stated she is staying at the location and reported a verbal confrontation in the room directly above her. RP stated it’s been going on approximately one hour with three-four people “yelling get the — out.” Mostly female voices heard, but male voice heard. A lot of sobbing and crying. Officers responded, attempted to make contact with the subjects in the room. No contact at the door. 

8:26am. Mail tampering at Bridle Path/Palomino Ct. Report of community mail boxes left open and mail gone. Dispatch left a message with the Postmaster. Nothing further. 

11:53am. Officer initiated activity at Lytton Springs Rd./Healdsburg Ave., Geyserville. A 38-year-old male was stopped for a moving vehicle violation and cited for driving with a suspended license and probation violation. 

1:42pm. Drug influence at Hotel Healdsburg on Matheson St. RP reports a male has been in the public bathroom for a couple of hours, possibly doing drugs. RP is unable to communicate with subject due to a language barrier. Officers responded and arrested a 43-year-old male for drug violations, possession of meth and possession of false ID. Once transported to County Jail, the Sheriff’s Office called to provide an update on the identity of the subject, due to his multiple IDs. The FBI was contacted.

1:44pm. Hit and run accident on Johnson St. About 40 minutes earlier a grayish/greenish Toyota 4-Runner hit the RP’s car and knocked off his side mirror. Vehicle last seen northbound on Johnson. 

1:56pm. Grand theft at Safeway on Vine St. Female just walked out of the store with a shopping cart full of items, and loaded them into a Cadillac SUV, occupied with a male. Description of subjects provided, vehicle last seen going northbound on Vine.

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