Sunday, March 19
11:03am. Graffiti reported on Ward St., which the Reporting Party (RP) believes is gang related, located on the front post of his property this morning.
12:58pm. Officer initiated activity at 7-Eleven, Healdsburg Ave. Vehicle stopped for registration and defective lighting violations. A 47-year-old male was arrested and taken to county jail on an outstanding Sonoma County no-bail warrant for DUI and failure to appear.
Monday, March 20
7:15am. Unwanted Subject at Healdsburg City Hall on Grove St. City employee called to report that there is a woman sleeping in the bathroom near the Council Chambers at City Hall. Officers responded and made contact with two subjects who claimed they were using the restroom
7:30am. Grand Theft on Sunnyside Dr. RP called to report that sometime overnight the tool boxes of his truck were broken into and $5000-$6000 worth of tools were taken. RP believes the neighbors may have video footage
8:38am. Unwanted Subject at Flying Goat Coffee on Center St. blocking the sidewalk near the Raven Film Center. RP also believes she’s smoking pot. Subject was gone from location but was located behind the Raven Theater. No further assistance needed.
11:47am. Disruptive behavior reported at Plaza Park on Healdsburg Ave. Officers responded, no subject was located.
2:43pm. Embezzlement reported at Aaction Rents on Grove St. RP called to report on a piece of equipment that has not been returned and is past the rental period. Equipment is a Pipe Die & Ratchet; cost is $456.45 on contract. RP states they have attempted contact with the subject and sent out a Final Demand Letter on March 4, 10 days after the equipment was due to be returned.
Tuesday, March 21
9:43am. Petty theft reported on Sherman St. RP said two pairs of shoes were taken off his porch last night. RP does have video feed and states the value of both pairs of shoes is approximately $100. Report taken.
6:22pm. Occurred at Healdsburg Community Center on Healdsburg Ave., 2-vehicle accident with property damage only.
11:29pm. Stolen Vehicle reported from Latigo Ln. residence. Earlier this evening the RP arrived home to find his vehicle that was parked in front of his house was gone. He went inside his house and noticed the second set of keys were gone. He drove back to his friend’s house on Sunnyvale and called HPD. The vehicle’s license plate was hot-listed and a county-wide be-on-the-lookout (BOL) alert sent. Early the next morning, Cloverdale Police located the vehicle and a pursuit south on Hwy. 101 ensued. Cloverdale Police lost contact with the vehicle due to weather conditions. (Vehicle was located in Oakland on March 23.)
Wednesday, March 22
12:44pm. Petty theft reported at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. from March 18; RP stated a shoplifter stole approx. $182 of goods. Store wants to charge.
2:50pm. Reckless driver reported on Larkspur Dr., a blk Corvette was seen doing donuts at the end of the dead-end. Officer responded and checked the area. Gone On Arrival/Unable to Locate.
3pm. Officer initiated activity at Shelton’s Natural Food Market, Center St., led to citation issued to an unlicensed driver.
Thursday, March 23
1:43pm. Fraud reported at Summit State Bank on Vine St. RP states there’s fraud charges on his account, multiple charges over the course of the last 6 months. Came from their checking account which the RP has since closed. Total charges taken were approximately $6,000 w/ multiple transactions.
2:27pm. Vehicle recovery, Healdsburg Police Department on Center St. The vehicle reported as lost to the Stolen Vehicle System on March 21 was recovered by Oakland Police Department.
5:32pm. Officer initiated activity at Big John’s Market, Healdsburg Ave., as a result of Flock hit for a National Crime Information Center warrant. Officers responded, vehicle located in parking lot unoccupied w/ a dog in the front. A 41-year-old male was arrested for a warrant out of the state of Washington.
8:38pm. Annoying/Harassing Phone Calls at Healdsburg Police Department on Center St. Received a call with loud reggae music playing and no response from the caller. The music stopped and then the caller disconnected. Phone number is associated with harassment calls.
9:45pm. Domestic dispute was reported from Healdsburg Running Company on Center St., in progress down the alley next door for 5-15 minutes. Female is crying and RP hears banging. It is dark down the alley, and the RP cannot see any descriptors, but can hear that it is a female and a male.
9:47pm. Public Intoxication at Valette on Center St. Female was screaming, stating a male manager tried to rape her. She is being removed from the business. Dispatch could hear loud screaming from the female. A 22-year-old woman was arrested for public intoxication and resisting arrest, and transported to county jail.
Friday, March 24
8:07pm. At East St./Mill St., RP just caught the children who stole the RP’s son’s scooter ($1,000 value) and took possession back of the scooter. RP states all the children have scattered in different directions. Dispatch could hear a verbal disturbance between the RP and another male, and the RP disconnected. Officers responded, and the item was returned to the RP.
10:26pm. Public intoxication at Dry Creek Inn. RP is 3rd party and received information from the Uber driver, who states a female passenger is extremely drunk and is needing a paramedic. The female is in the back seat vomiting, and the male with her abandoned her. Officers responded; the female was released to family.
Saturday, March 25
10:55am. Disturbance at Victory Apartments on East St. RP stated there is a male who is blaring music and yelling profanities. RP attempted to ask him to keep the music and yelling down, but then he began yelling profanities at her. He is in his backyard. RP and male share a fence line. RP wants the male to keep the music down, stop taunting her dog and not blare music/scream. RP also believes his behavior is aggressive.
2:04pm. Reckless Driver at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd. BOL from CHP for a reckless driver. Gray Toyota Prius ending in 834, vehicle seen weaving in-and-out of traffic and rude hand gestures. No desc of the driver. Officer responded to the area and was unable to locate.
2:24pm. Fraud reported at Healdsburg Police Department on Center St. RP received mail from someone stating the RP owed money for a collision her vehicle was involved in. She called the number and could tell the scammers were fishing for additional information. She provided no personal or identifying information and checked with her insurance.
3:01pm. Drug Activity at Redwood Hwy./Lytton Springs Rd., Healdsburg. Two people in a late model pick up were arrested, a 27-year-old female and a 35-year-old male, on multiple drug activity charges and outstanding warrants from Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Charges include possession of paraphernalia, possession and intent to sell of methamphetamines, destroying or concealing evidence, possession of a controlled substance in a state correctional facility, petty theft, violation of probation and vehicular violations.
7:40pm. Reckless Driver was reported on Piper St. when a RP stated there is a truck “chasing a kid in a playful but reckless manner. The kid was running while being chased by the truck, like racing to see how fast he could run.” Juvenile and vehicle were last seen south on Fitch. Gone On Arrival/Unable to Locate.
7:57pm. Trespassing occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. RP states a transient came in and took a bite out of a piece of cheese and put it back on the shelf.
10:41pm. Accident reported at Redwood Hwy./Dry Creek Rd. RP lives west of the freeway and heard a car spin out north of the 101/Dry Creek. RP states it “sounded like a vehicle crash with two loud bangs.” The RP cannot see anything and does not know how many vehicles are involved. Officers responded, unable to locate.
10:55pm. Officer initiated activity at Parkland Farms Bl/Canyon Run, vehicle stopped for expired registration. A 24-year-old male was cited for driving with a suspended license.