Conceptual floor plan of the proposed Plaza Cinema Center in Healdsburg, released by AVFilm. (Photo courtesy of RaelArchitecture(s))

The effort to raise enough money for AVFilm, the Alexander Valley Film Society, to begin work on their dream Plaza Cinema Center is ongoing. 

As community lead and programmer Chelsea Kurnick clarified, the lease for the Healdsburg Avenue property is not yet finalized; any plans and details are aspirational rather than actual. 

“Even though word got out earlier than we hoped, the public excitement is infectious,” Kathryn Hecht, the executive director, posted on Facebook. “As you may imagine, we are not able to disclose anything further until internal details have been buttoned up. Thanks in advance for understanding.” 

They also posted a conceptual floor plan of the projected three-screen theater to be accessed from Healdsburg Avenue. 

The winery that hosted the AVFilm presentation reported in the @shoplocalhealdsburg account was Cartograph Wines, 340 Center St. Said Alan Baker, who with Serena Lourie is co-owner, “Plaza Cinema Center is one of the most exciting and positive developments in Healdsburg, with benefits for ALL of Northern Sonoma County. As local business owners, we cannot say enough about the leadership of AVFilm. We’ve had the opportunity to participate in strategy sessions from the beginning and are immensely proud of the team’s progress.”

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