The Cloverdale City Council meeting slated for next Wednesday, Jan. 27, is a mix of housekeeping items as well as items that may be of special interest to some community members. In addition to adopting committee appointments and providing direction of support for the Sonoma County Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association, the council will be holding a public hearing about the mitigated negative declaration and design review for the 21 multi-family dwelling units that are planned for 669-679 South Cloverdale Boulevard. It will also be watching a variety of presentations, including one about Sonoma County’s five-year strategic plan and one about the city’s draft capital improvement program.
The meeting will be broadcasted on YouTube and over Zoom at 6 p.m. To view the agenda, which includes public comment instructions and Zoom information, click here.
As part of the meeting consent calendar, the council will consider the following items:
●    Approval of Jan. 13 meeting minutes
●    Resolution accepting public improvements by M3 Integrated Services for South Cloverdale Boulevard and Healdsburg Avenue
●    Resolution authorizing the signers for the city of Cloverdale general checking account held at exchange bank
●    Resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Data Dash and amending the fiscal 2020-21 budget to incorporate the scanning of documents for implementation of Open Gov
The council will have three presentations during Wednesday’s meeting. The first is a presentation from the county of Sonoma about the county’s five-year strategic plan, which helps set county policy and projects. The county is presenting to the city to ask for any input the city may have regarding the plan. According to the presentation notes, the five pillars of the plan are health and safe communities, racial equity and social justice, organizational excellence, climate action and resilience and resilient infrastructure.
Sonoma Water will be giving a presentation about the Sonoma Water Temporary Urgency Change Petition to the State Water Resources Control Board and the Sonoma Marin Saving Water Partnership. The temporary petition was filed over the summer and sought temporary reduced flows in the Russian River from July 1 to Dec. 27 to preserve water supply in Lake Mendocino.
The last agendized presentation is the council’s student liaison report.
Public Hearing — South Cloverdale Boulevard development
The city council will be holding a public hearing for the mitigated negative declaration, general plan map amendment and design review for 21 multi-family dwelling units and one managers unit located at 669-679 S. Cloverdale Boulevard. The 22 units make up phase two of the Taylor Lynn apartments located on South Cloverdale Boulevard. The council will also be looking at an ordinance to rezone the 1.41-acre site from single-family residential to multi-family residential.
The project has gone before the Cloverdale planning commission numerous times. According to the background for this council item, the following changes have been made following the most recent commission meeting:
“During the Nov. 10, 2020, meeting, the Planning Commission expressed a concern that the traffic study prepared for the project did not fully consider the traffic impacts on the intersection of Hillview Drive and South Cloverdale Boulevard. In response, city staff coordinated with the applicant and W-Trans to prepare an addendum to the traffic study to address the transportation impacts to the intersection and explore any potential need for improvements to maintain acceptable conditions. The addendum provides the following conclusions and recommendations:
• Sight distance available along South Cloverdale Boulevard from Hillview Drive provides adequate visibility of both southbound and northbound traffic.
• South Cloverdale Boulevard/Hillview Drive has a collision rate below the statewide average, which indicates safe operating conditions at the intersection.
• The study intersection is expected to continue operating acceptably.”
Capital Improvement Program
City staff will be presenting the council with a draft capital improvement program, which sets priorities for the city’s capital improvement plans. The city’s capital improvement program was last updated in 2010 and approved for 2010-2014. However, ongoing economic impact led to the program being “essentially placed on hold,” according to the council agenda report.
“During the period from 2011-2016, new development within the city was minimal to non-existent, which relieved pressure to invest in improvements in public facilities. With the onset of new growth and development starting in 2016 coupled with the impacts of deferred maintenance, increased interest in improving the city’s infrastructure became in focus. In 2018, the council approved a scope of work with GHD to update the 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan to reflect current needs and planned growth,” reads the council agenda.
The plan details specific city improvement projects and schedules covering the period between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2026.
The council is being asked to provide direction to staff on the draft plan, in order to finalize it for adoption.
Other items the council will be addressing on Wednesday include adopting its 2021 subcommittee, joint committee and regional board/committee appointments and directing the mayor to support appointments made by the Sonoma County Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association City Selection Committee and board of directors.

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