Study session on Thursday focuses on construction, budgets
The Cloverdale Unified School District (CUSD) Board of Trustees meeting this week will largely be occupied by various COVID-19-related agenda items, as well as standing items that the board discusses at all of its meetings.
In addition to its meeting on Jan. 20 at 6 p.m., the board will also be meeting for a study session on Thursday morning.
Regular meeting
At its Wednesday morning, the board will be getting an update on the progress of its Measure H projects. The district is currently in the middle of two of its largest projects that use Measure H funds ā€” construction of a new gym at Washington School and construction of a two-story classroom building at Jefferson Elementary.
A standing board item, CUSD Superintendent Betha MacClain will give an update on the districtā€™s reopening plan. The reopening plan has been revised multiple times and is a living document that adapts to and tracks the districtā€™s reopening plan. The plan is the result of meetings with tens of community members and serves as an outline for what the district has done and still has to do to prepare for the partial reopening of schools, once allowed by COVID-19 rates.
MacClain and Cloverdale High School (CHS) Principal Chris Meredith will update the board on its plan to help combat the impact that COVID-19 has had on high school students. Schools across the country, and the county, are seeing increased levels of D and F grades among students. As part of its plan to hopefully remedy the increased failing grades, CHS has changed its schedule and is considering implementing individualized graduation plans (IGPs). According to the meeting agenda, IGPs have been adopted by Santa Rosa City Schools and other districts in the county, and provide a structure for individual assessment of student progress and goal setting.
Continuing its virus related discussions, the board will receive a presentation from MacClain about the COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP), an outline for which was created by CAL/OSHA.
ā€œOrganizations are required to develop a plan with specific, relevant details and to implement the plan. While the CPP does not require board approval, it is necessary to submit it to the Sonoma County Office of Education. If submitted, along with ratified labor agreements (MOUs), on or before February 1, 2021, the district will qualify for $450 per pupil in supplemental funds for reopening schools safely. Funds may also be used to offset the costs of surveillance testing, additional safety resources, and instructional support to address learning loss mitigation,ā€ reads the agenda item background.
The only action item on tap for Wednesdayā€™s meeting is the consideration and possible action regarding accounting of development fees for the 2019-20 fiscal year in the districtā€™s capital facilities fund.
Thursday study session
The board is also holding a special study session meeting on Thursday morning, Jan. 21, from 9 a.m. to noon.
The meeting agenda for Thursday lists no new actionable items. The board will view a presentation from Mark Van Pelt of Van Pelt Construction Services regarding the districtā€™s construction projects, and will receive a different presentation from the districtā€™s chief business official, Patty Mills, about district budgets.
A note on meeting participation for the Jan. 21 meeting: Per the meeting agenda, public comment requests must be submitted before the meeting begins.
ā€œAttendees who wish to make a public comment must submit a request prior to the start of the board meetingā€‹. Public comments will only be taken during the designated time, if you wish to address the Board regarding closed or open session agenda items or items not on the agenda, please email Kathleen Bunting atā€‹[email protected] by the end of Public Comment for Items not on the agenda. The subject line should read, Public Comment for the January 21, 2021 Board Meeting and within the body of the email please list your full first and last name, and what you would like to comment on: closed session items, items not on the agenda or the title of the open session agenda item. During public comment on the requested item, ā€‹attendees will be called upon, their microphone unmuted, and allowed to make their statement for up to three minutes. At the end of the three minutes, the attendeeā€™s microphone will be muted and the next participant will be called upon.ā€

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