The Sonoma County Farm Trails will hold its annual members’ meeting this Thursday, March 11 beginning at 6:30 p.m. The event is online and registration can be made by email to


. The meeting is free and open to all Farm Trails members.
Farm Trails Executive Director Carmen Snyder will share a review of 2020 and look ahead to the remainder of 2021. Summer Jeffus, from Exchange Bank, will give an update on the new round of federal Payroll Protection Program loans and grants. A few Farm Trails members will also share how they’ve fared and survived the year of COVID-19 pandemic. Included will be Marianna Gardenshire and Daniel Kedan, of Backyard Restaurant of Forestville; Rose Madden, of Pink Barn Farm; Veva Edelson, Pianoo Farm; Keith Garlock, of Garlock Tree Farm; and Bill MacElroy, of Monte-Bellaria di California.
Like most other parts of living, working and doing commerce in Sonoma County during the pandemic, many of the Farm Trails members have had to figure out how to sell their farm produce and products online or remotely with customer pickups and deliveries. Snyder said she will help members learn how to “optimize” their listings on the Farm Trails website and participate in upcoming social media campaigns, newsletter promotions, season tours and other marketing opportunities.

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