The city of Cloverdale is hosting a community workshop about its draft of the city’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and its General Plan Public Health and Safety Element. The plans help identify how the city can respond and protect community members from potential natural hazards and disasters.
In August 2020, the city asked residents to complete a survey that was supposed to help inform its hazard mitigation plan. The survey asked residents what hazards in town they’re most concerned about, as well as measures the city should take to prepare for such events.
“The workshop will provide an opportunity for Cloverdale residents and others who are interested to ask questions and provide comments about the plans and the planning process,” said an announcement from the city about the virtual workshop. “It is part of a larger public review and comment process that will run through the summer before the plans are adopted in the fall.”
The workshop runs from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2.

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