Conjectures, Etceteras
Earth Day at your local Starbucks
Starbucks, the ubiquitous coffee giant, is giving away free
coffee on Earth Day – free spent coffee grounds, that is. The
coffee conglomerate has actually been giving away the coffee
grounds year-round for a number of years, but is using Earth Day,
April 22, as an opportunity to increase awareness of the program.
The “Grounds for Your Garden” program reduces waste and enhances
gardens. Now, if one of the leading coffee drink sellers in the
world would get serious about promoting fair trade coffee among
their other products, it might enhance the plight of poor coffee
farmers around the world. So if you stop in to pick up a bag of
spent coffee grounds, why not ask your neighborhood Starbucks about
the company’s fair trade practices? For more information, go to
Raven Celebrates Malcolm X’s birthday
The Raven Theater in Healdsburg will celebrate the birthday of
Civil Rights leader Malcolm X with a free showing of the Spike Lee
film “Malcolm X” on May 19 at 4 p.m. Prior to the screening, Sonoma
State University assistant history professor Steve Estes will give
a brief, introductory lecture.

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