Team from Brush Salon to hold fundraiser at Barn Diva April 22
A group of Healdsburg cyclists will show their support for diabetes again this year by hosting a fundraiser for the Tour de Cure, this time their goal is to raise four times the amount than last year.
Team Brush of Brush Salon in Healdsburg will host an event on April 22 at Barn Diva in hopes of raising $40,000 toward the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure.
Last year, the salon group raised $10,000 for the Napa Tour de Cure riding as a team for the first time in honor of a client whose eight-year-old daughter, Hannah Peyton, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This year, Brush owner David Barnett said that the cause hit a lot closer to home.
“Diabetes has never been a part of my family or in my family at all, thankfully. Hannah was really the introduction to the disease for me and I found out a lot more about it when we decided to sponsor the event last year and then as the universe would have it, Nicole, my wife, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes,” Barnett said.
Together the couple own and operate the salon on Plaza Street and are expecting their second child this year. Barnett said that although the diagnoses can be somewhat common with pregnant women, it gave them a better understanding of the disease that they have been raising money for.
“There is really no real explanation for it but it really gave us insight into the disease, she is having to take her blood four times a day now and luckily she hasn’t had to use insulin, it has just been a case of monitoring it,” Barnett said. “This gave us an added reason to go for a big event this year.”
The event will feature a fashion show by Healdsburg stores Susan Graf, M Clothing, Clutch and Outlander Men’s wear. A silent and live auction will follow, led by KZST personality Debbie Abrams alongside Healdsburg local Lucy Lewand of the Camilla Inn as auctioneer.
Auction items include Date Night in Healdsburg for a Year featuring 12 gift certificates to local restaurants, Hair services at Brush Salon for a year, a flight in a WWII airplane and many other local items.
“There will be hors d’oeuvres and cocktails upon arrival and wine will be poured that evening by Vin Couture,” Barnett said.
Tickets can be purchased through Brush Salon in-person or by calling 431-1400.
Currently there are 16 riders signed-up for Team Brush and team organizers said they welcome more. The Napa routes on May 6 offer family rides of 10 miles or less to more challenging rides of 100 miles or more. Riders must raise at least $225 to participate.
“Chris Carmichael (personal coach to Lance Armstrong) has been apart of the Tour de Cure for a number of years and of the 50 Tour de Cure rides that happen around the country, he only chooses to ride in four of them and he always chooses the Napa ride because it raises the most money of all of them,” said Barnett.
The Napa Tour de Cure has set a goal to raise $2 million for the May 6 ride. Interested riders can register for Team Brush online at
Robin Hug can be reached at [email protected].

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