The national school walkout is scheduled for March 14 and students are suggested to walk out of class for 17 minutes, one minute for each life lost in the Parkland, Florida school shooting. At Healdsburg High School, the student leadership class is organizing a walkout at 10:15 a.m. Students will gather around the flagpole in front of the school district office.
“The power of the movement we are all witnessing around student and community safety and gun violence comes directly from the voice of our youth standing in defiance of the status quo created by the adult decision makers,” said Superintendent Chris Vanden Heuvel.
“Similarly, in any walkout, the power of the demonstration is derived from the act of civic disobedience. As a district, we seek to actively cultivate our students’ voice, no matter what change they want to effect. Thus, we will not undermine their voice by organizing a ‘walkout’ for them, because their voice would be diminished.”
Which is not to say that a totally hands-off approach is being taken. “We will take measures to ensure that students who choose to participate in this effort, as well as any counter-demonstrators, are safe and act appropriately. Thus, staff will be present to ensure a peaceful protest and the safety of our students,” Vanden Heuvel said.
The event on March 14 is part of a larger picture for HUSD students. “Students have had lots of questions and engaged in numerous discussions in our classrooms around safety, gun violence, etc. We also have a strong system of support available for them through our counseling programs made up of school staff and partnerships with numerous community organizations. Student voice has been evident and I believe we will see a good number participating on the 14th and possibly beyond.”

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