Monday, July 1
3:49 a.m. Trespassing on Kennedy Lane. Party reports that he woke up to his ex-girlfriend in his bedroom. He hadn’t seen her in years and told her to go. Police found her later, and she said she was stranded by friends and went to the only person she knew in town.
Tuesday, July 2
7:41 p.m. Vandalism reported by party at police station. Party said suspect admitted to spraying herbicide on her lawn with damage exceeding $400. Report taken.
Wednesday, July 3
8:34 and 10:17 a.m. Unwanted subjects at two hotels, Both females were told to leave, one hotel is drafting a trespass letter.
Thursday, July 4
9:13 p.m. Fireworks violation reported on Terrace Boulevard.
9:31 p.m. Fireworks violation at Healdsburg Junior High School. Advised of ordinance.
9:54 p.m. Reporting party believes fireworks are being lit on College Street.
9:57 p.m. Report of juveniles lighting fireworks on Matheson Street. Unable to locate.
10:18 p.m. Fireworks violation on Terrace Boulevard. Warning given.
10:39 p.m. Fireworks violation at Fitch Street. Responding officer did not see or hear anything.
10:45 p.m. Fireworks violation reported at McDonough Heights Road with loud party. Unable to locate.
10:48 p.m. DUI on Healdsburg Avenue. Arrest made.
11:07 p.m. Fireworks violation at Barbieri Park. Nothing seen or heard, sprinklers running.
Friday, July 5
8:08 a.m. Warrant service on Grove Street and Grove Court. Citation issued.
9:37 p.m. Fireworks violation on Lupine Road. Unable to locate.
9:50 p.m. Battery on a police officer on Center Street. Officer had responded to a fight in a parking lot. Arrest made.
Saturday, July 6
9:46 a.m. Warrant service on Terrace Boulevard. Arrest made.
1 p.m. Unwanted subject on Healdsburg Avenue. Trespass letter on file, escorted off property.