Positions potentially effected would include 2.6 full-time employees
At their March 11 Healdsburg Unified School District (HUSD) board of trustees meeting, district administration gave preliminary notice of the possible reduction or layoff of 2.6 certificated full-time employees (FTE).
District administrations have to give preliminary notice by a given date, in this case March 15, of possible reduction or layoff to certificated employees.
Previously there was consideration and possible action on certificated reduction of 5.2 FTE however, that changed to 2.6 FTE.
According to the agenda packet for the item, the recommended reductions or eliminations provide the board with the most flexibility in planning the 2020-21 budget.
Possible reductions in services and layoffs include: 1.0 FTE K-5 teacher K-5, 0.4 FTE sixth grade seminar; 0.6 FTE Spanish teacher grades nine to 12; and 0.6 FTE tech electives grades six to eight advisor.
“I want to point out that the revision for the most part is due to reaching an agreement for a temporary stop gap MOU (memorandum of understanding) for the seven period day at the junior high, so that is why there is a strike through a number of items from the original resolution,” explained Francesca Whitcomb, the district’s human resources manager.
HUSD Superintendent Chris Vanden Heuvel pointed out that these are all very preliminary figures.
“This is not a done deal by any means, but if we do not notice people by March 15 by state law, we can’t lay a position off,” Vanden Heuvel said, adding, “We don’t like having this on a board packet at all.”
During the meeting Whitcomb also discussed the positions that would be exempt from potential layoff.
She said this comes into play when there are certain subject areas and employees that are lower on the seniority list.
“This is ‘skipping’ for lack of a better word, criteria that comes into play during potential preliminary notices for March 15,” Whitcomb said.
Positions that are exempt from potential layoff include employees in science instruction in grades 6 to 12, special education, and in school nursing. This applies to employees who have a certification, credential, permit or university intern permit for teaching/instruction in the aforementioned areas
Both resolutions were unanimously approved by the board of trustees. Notices, if any, are given out in May.
Trustee Mike Potmesil reiterated that this is preliminary and that the district is required to do this by the March 15 deadline.