Costeaux Bakery co-workers gathered at the home of Donna Biasotti to celebrate her 85th birthday on June 22 and her retirement after 28 years of customer service at the downtown bakery and eatery.

Great communities like Healdsburg have many legacy institutions and monuments. Some are made of brick or stone and some are humans. At Costeaux French Bakery, a brick and mortar institution itself, there is also a living and smiling institution, and her name is Donna Biasotti.
This month, Biasotti finally retired after 28 years of customer service and had a great “send off” when a bevy of Costeaux co-workers and CEO Will Seppi showered her with flowers, balloons and other treats at her Healdsburg home.
There was cake, too, as the day, June 22, also happened to be Biasotti’s 85th birthday. She began working at Costeaux at the end of the last century after retiring from a school teaching career. She initially worked full-time but recently had cut back to a single day shift, showing up every Tuesday, promptly on time and bedecked in a Costeaux Bakery apron and name badge.
She has been a great ambassador for Costeaux and Healdsburg, Seppi said.
“Ironically, in this uncertain time, Donna represents that pillar of certainty that every organization desires to have and to hold on to,” he said. “Her contributions are immensely appreciated and she certainly will be missed by all of us.”
Now in full retirement, Biasotti says she will continue to feed and take care of her husband John and walk her dog through the neighborhood and keep her house in order. Co-worker Arais Castro said, “I will miss our Tuesdays.”

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