Marjie Pettus
Budget Update
This year the City Council is going to appoint a task force to
assist with the 2010/11 budget process. The purpose of the task
force is to review the proposed budget as prepared, presented and
recommended by staff; evaluate the budget in the context of council
goals; provide input and suggestions relating to revenue
enhancement and cost reduction; facilitate communication and
understanding of budget issues; vet staff recommendations prior to
final budget presentations to City Council. Council members Eric
Ziedrich and Gary Plass are the Council representatives and as
such, will be interviewing interested candidates. Once Council
approves the appointments, task force members will attend a
training session that will provide the basics on government
finance. It is anticipated the task force will begin work in early
Healdsburg Taxi was recently sold. The City contracted with
Healdsburg Taxi in July of 2009, to provide the City’s Dial-A-Ride
service. As a result of the sale, the Dial-A-Ride (DAR) program
ceased operations on February 11. To accommodate the transportation
needs of those utilizing that service, the transit bus fixed route
has expanded its deviation service to include all eligible DAR
riders, not just those who require wheelchairs. While DAR service
remains door-to-door, the number of deviations per hour may be
limited. The limitation has been put in place in an effort to
minimize delays on the fixed route schedule and corresponding
impacts to riders. We have been working closely with those
utilizing the Dial-A-Ride program to help with trip planning.
Hopefully this will make for a smooth transition for those that
have been impacted. We will continue to monitor the impacts of this
program and make adjustments when possible. It is important for
those who have questions regarding our transit service to contact
staff directly at 431-3324.
Discussions between City staff and SMART personnel have taken on
new vigor over the past few months. In July of last year the City
entered into a three-way agreement with SMART and the Sonoma County
Transit Authority for the purposes of constructing improvements in
and around the Depot, which is owned by SMART. Phase I of these
improvements includes site work for a new parking lot adjacent to
the Depot, landscaping, drainage improvements and the extension of
the Foss Creek Pathway from Mill Street to Front Street. Future
Phases anticipated include rehabilitation of the Depot for ultimate
passenger service. These improvements were a topic of discussion at
a recent town meeting hosted by SMART at the Senior Center.
In January, a Technical Advisory Committee was formed with
representatives from SMART, bicycle/pedestrian advocacy groups, and
staff from the cities, towns and counties that adjoin the SMART
rail corridor. The committee’s purpose is to provide guidance on
local issues that interface with the SMART train improvements, such
as road crossings, alignment of the pedestrian/bicycle pathway,
public transit nodes and other issues relating to public
facilities. SMART and City staff have also met regarding the
possibility of incorporating the design of a roundabout at the
5-way intersection of Healdsburg Avenue / Mill Street / Vine
Street. This concept builds on an intersection improvement that the
City previously identified for improvement of safety and
functionality of the intersection.
Water Efficient Landscape Standards
In recognition of Healdsburg’s leadership in implementing a
community vision that promotes environmentally sound practices, the
City Council adopted the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance in
December 2009. The ordinance promotes the efficient design and
installation of water-efficient landscapes in Healdsburg associated
with new construction and substantial alterations of existing
development where landscapes are proposed. The Water Efficient
Landscape Ordinance applies to:
• All new residential, commercial, office, industrial, public or
quasi-public projects with landscaping.
• All additions/remodels to existing residential, commercial,
office, industrial, public or quasi-public projects with new or
replaced contractor-installed landscapes of 2,500 square feet or
• All additions/remodels to existing residential, commercial,
office, industrial, public or quasi-public projects with new or
replaced property owner-installed landscapes of 5,000 square feet
or more.
An overview of planning water efficient landscapes and
irrigation, along with information about the submittal and review
process for required landscape and irrigation design plans, is
available through the City’s website (
under the “Living Green in Healdsburg” section.
On January 29th, the fire department learned that it had been
awarded a $158,965 FEMA “Fire Act” Grant to purchase 25 sets of
firefighter “Turn Out” protective gear and 24 Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus. Recent changes to safety standards limited the
life of firefighter turnouts to 10 years, requiring a significant
capital investment to bring the department’s gear into compliance.
The grant covers 95 percent of the costs associated with the
replacement costs. Given the tight fiscal climate we are in, the
benefit of the grant is enormous to both the Department and the
City. Special recognition for the success in obtaining the grant is
given to Debra Nelson who authored this grant, and has been
responsible for the department receiving two other FEMA grants
within the last three years.
Abalone Feed
Due to overwhelming demand and interest, the Reserve
Firefighters Association will be conducting its 5th annual Abalone
Feed on Saturday, April 10 at the Fire House. Tickets can be
purchased at the Fire Station or from members of the fire
department staff. The ticket price is $40. Funds raised through the
feed support the Reserve association’s activities which include:
CPR Classes, the CERT program, assisting with department equipment
purchases and sponsoring scholarships for the Junior College’s Fire
Technology program. The event has been a sell-out for the last
three years so buy your tickets early!
Marjie Pettus is the Healdsburg City Manager. To submit ideas or
questions for this column, email ci*******

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