Boys' Club building adjacent to Recreation Park. Scaffold erected and ready for stucco, September 1964

100 years ago – November 8, 1917
School boys use cigarettes
Boys of the Healdsburg grammar school, under 18 years of age, are becoming addicted to the use of cigarettes. The Tribune has been asked to call attention to this pernicious evil. Prof. H.R. Bull, principal of the grammar school, is sparing no effort to break up the habit among the pupils. In a kindly spirit, Professor Bull has talked with the offending pupils, and he has every hope that he will be able to stamp out the evil. Professor Schoer, principal of the high school, is finding the cigarette habit a handicap to the progress of a few of the students, and he is using every intelligent effort to impress upon the students the importance to their health and mental development of the elimination of the cigarettes. Prof Schoer has had the following cards printed for use at high school dancing parties: REALIZING that cigarettes are entirely out of place at high school dances, the holder of this card accepts invitation to attend with the full understanding that he will refrain from the use of them at all high school affairs. Furthermore, each person is responsible for the conduct of any friend or friends he may bring.
50 years ago – November 9, 1967
Beautification victory
Planting of trees all along Healdsburg Avenue in the business district has been given the approval of the Healdsburg City Council. A year ago, at the urging of the Beautification Committee, the city, with the cooperation of the chamber of commerce, planted some trees on Healdsburg Avenue and this current move is a continuation of that project. The council authorized city superintendent Waldo Iversen to use city crews to plant the trees along Healdsburg Avenue from the railroad tracks north to Piper Street. Donations for purchase of the trees will be secured through the chamber, and when enough money has been accumulated the city will begin with the planting, doing a few trees at a time. Iversen pointed out the planting should be done after the first of the year. He also noted Safeway has reportedly agreed to plant trees and landscape the parking lot at their new facility. “They have installed tree rings in the parking lot and we will fill them full of dirt,” he said.
25 years ago – November 11, 1992
Lack of funds could close club by Christmas
The Grinch may close down Healdsburg’s popular Boys & Girls Club by Christmas if enough money isn’t raised to pay off accumulating bills, according to the club’s treasurer. Currently, the club needs to raise between $25,000 to $30,000 just to pay past monthly bills. Individual donations are down from last year. A big source of income in the past has been the weekly bingo games. In a good year the club makes about $50,000 on bingo, but that amount was cut almost in half. “We’re in the worst situation that we’ve ever been in,” said Board President Cheryl Gordon. The club fills a niche in the community and Gordon said it acts as a babysitter for many parents. She said they hope never to turn away parents who can’t afford the annual $50 fee, but she added, “we’re like everybody else having a hard time paying our bills.”
Flashbacks is drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, The Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society. Admission is always free at the museum, which is open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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