Looking for a lost pet or a new four-legged friend? See the list of incoming strays and the slideshow of cats and dogs available for adoption from the Sonoma Humane Society, Healdsburg Center.
Looking for a lost pet or a new four-legged friend? See the list of incoming strays and the slideshow of cats and dogs available for adoption from the Sonoma Humane Society, Healdsburg Center.
Incoming Animals
July 31: A black and white female cat without identification, was found on Grant Avenue in Healdsburg.
August 1: An intact male black Chihuahua mix, was found along with an intact male brown Chihuahua mix, on Vine Street in Healdsburg.
Adopted Animals
July 30: Fanta, a 3-month-old spayed female, black cat was adopted.
July 30: Pibb, a 3-month-old, neutered male, grey kitten was adopted.
August 1: Maxon, a 10-year-old, neutered male, lynx point cat was adopted.
August 1: Roger, a 1-year-old, neutered male, brown Chihuahua was adopted.
August 3: Sweden, an 11-week-old, spayed female, white kitten was adopted.
August 3: Norway, an 11-week-old, neutered male, white kitten was adopted.
August 3: Snowflake and Pumpkin, two male guinea pigs, were adopted together.
The Healdsburg Center for Animals is located at 14242 Bacchus Landing Way, Healdsburg. You can reach them at (707)431-3386.
The Healdsburg Center for Animals is located at 14242 Bacchus Landing Way, Healdsburg. You can reach them at (707) 431-3386.

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