Simi Winery circa 1948-1950. Isabelle Simi Haigh and Fred Haigh on right. 

The following snippets of history are drawn from the pages of the Healdsburg Tribune, the Healdsburg Enterprise and the Sotoyome Scimitar, and are prepared by the volunteers at the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society.
100 years ago – October 21, 1920
Road to river at Fitch Mtn. now is public, committee of local live ones gets declaration from supervisors
The committee visiting Santa Rosa this morning to present a petition to the Board of Supervisors, asking that the Stretter [sic], Fitch Mountain Tavern and the Camp Rose roadway be made a public thoroughfare to be maintained by the county, were successful in having their request granted. The board were unanimous in conceding that the road should be maintained by the county. As the road is in Supervisor Goddard’s district, they gave him authority to have the road work done under his supervision. This roadway has been kept up by the various tracts and lot owners, with occasional help from the business men of Healdsburg. As a public thoroughfare, it will now be cared for in the proper way. The entire community, the lot owners from abroad as well as the entire county, will be benefited by the upkeep of this road. 
75 years ago – October 12, 1945
Healdsburg’s retail outlets feature wine country, celebrates a leading crop at vintage time
Window displays and special inducements will attract attention of the public to the fine wines produced in this section, all during the coming National Wine Week, October 15-22, Healdsburg merchants selling wine announce. Several of them have taken space in the Tribune this week to put their features before local consumers. Local wineries also that feature well-known brands, are also offering inducements why you should celebrate wine week through use of Healdsburg section’s fine dry wines.
50 years ago – October 22, 1970
CIF Section drops two-sport prohibition
Don’t ever let anyone tell you a letter and some good oral arguments can’t be persuasive … all you need is someone to listen and some good arguments. At least that’s what appears to have happened Saturday as the North Coast Section of the California Interscholastic Federation struck down one of its rules which said high school students could not participate in extra-curricular sports at the same time they played on a school team. The NCS Board of Managers took the action in their meeting in Berkeley after having received a letter from the Healdsburg High School Board of Trustee objecting to a NCS rule which kept Healdsburg junior high students from playing school basketball and weekend soccer. After reading the letter and listening to the oral presentation of Healdsburg High School Principal Art McCaffrey and Junior High Principal Ed Matteoli, Don Bell, president of the NCS board, announced that Article 11, Section 240 would be dropped. 

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