Evelyn Mitchell

As the holiday season is upon us and the end to the rather horrible 2020 approaches, I can’t help but reflect on what we have all been through as a community. While I’m sure we agree “good riddance” to 2020 and have hope for a much better 2021, I realize there are a number of lessons we will carry with us for years to come.

We battled COVID-19 together and continue to do so. We experienced lockdowns, reopenings, possibly more lockdowns, virtual classrooms in our homes, virtual meetings for our businesses and government work, all with requirements about what we wear and how we must act to protect each other, unlike any population has seen in 100 years. Yet our community remains a place of optimism and hope. We realized again how much we need all colors and creeds in the public square to ensure Healdsburg is a place where all are welcome and where all have an equitable and fair shot at justice, home, education, health, happiness and prosperity. We endured yet another fire too close to home. A fire that impacted our friends and neighbors and one that compounded our economic struggle with dark smoky days in the middle of summer. Our lesson here was that almost nothing will stop us — we are still a community that pulls through anything just by having each other’s back.
Our families had to change daily routines and rhythms, with more isolation in some cases, too much contact in others. Yet we adjusted and learned different ways of surviving together, enjoying everything from online gatherings to sharing Netflix binges. If anything, our family relationships got stronger.
Our businesses innovated and constantly remade themselves, adjusting to regulations that continue to change. I have been inspired by the innovation and optimism I have witnessed. I know occasionally we experience such fatigue from all that is required of us; we have moments of despair and wonder how we will ever get through this. As a community we share this pain and try hard to help support our small businesses, knowing their survival is our survival too. Innovation means staying ahead of change, but it also means being nimble enough to scramble to figure out what works right now. We are not out of the woods, but we will not give in. We are in this together.
Our city has been challenged too and has worked hard to keep basic services going, even sometimes adding completely new ones like hosting distance learning centers and facilitating testing sites. We worked on right-sizing the budget, figuring out ways to keep homebound seniors active and engaged, protecting our vulnerable residents, keeping services like plan check moving and adjusting to online meetings and community forums. Our elected officials continued on, working with a new city manager, in ways never before experienced. We communicate more than ever before and work to solve the issues before us, with a limited budget that keeps shrinking as needs keep growing. Like our residents and businesses, we have adjusted to the changes with little complaint and a “let’s try it” spirit. I am ever thankful for our city staff as they continue to navigate these events.
Lastly, as we look past November’s elections, we braved the pandemic to go to the polls in record numbers. It seems the mandate from the nation is clear. We want our country to be a place of competence, compassion, science, honesty and knowledge — something Healdsburg knows a lot about. Our local elections were exciting and we are looking forward to having a very diverse and creative council starting in 2021. We also are saying goodbye to two council members who met all the challenges put before them. I personally want to say thank you to Shaun McCaffery and Joe Naujokas for their service. A lot was accomplished during their tenure on the council.
I am very proud to serve on the city council and especially honored to serve as mayor. I am proud of all of us for surviving, adjusting, and ultimately learning through 2020. Let’s toast in 2021 and shout out the old year by yelling out “Happy New Year” from our front doors at midnight. Please stay safe and protect your families and friends. My sincere best wishes for the holidays and a new year.
Evelyn Mitchell is the interim mayor of Healdsburg for 2020 and is the mayor of Healdsburg for 2021.

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