Employee Recognition
I will begin the column this month by announcing the promotion
of Jaime Licea. As a resident of Healdsburg, community volunteer
and Public Works Foreman, Jaime is likely known to many of you. He
will be moving to the Community Services department to assume the
duties of Parks Supervisor. Congratulations!
In other employee news, Ruben Mandujano is being featured on
Radio Exitos 104.1 FM, 107.1 Radio Lazer, KBBF 89.1 FM and
Univision/Telefutura with public service announcements addressing
water, fire, Halloween and holiday safety and disaster
preparedness. Ruben is an active member of the Sonoma County Fire
Prevention Officers and is the Latino liaison. As such he wants to
ensure that safety messages put out by the public education
committee are heard by the Spanish speaking community.
Foss Creek Cleanup
Over 100 people, ranging in age from 3 to 80, participated in
the annual Foss Creek Cleanup on Saturday October 22nd. The
volunteer effort resulted in the removal of one 20-yard bin of
trash and one 4-yard bin of recyclables. Cub Scout Pack 21 won the
Crud Cup for the most material retrieved. A big thank you to all
Badger Substation Fence Replacement
The demolition and removal of the existing Badger Substation
fence will begin on November 1st. In recognition of the popularity
of Badger Park, the City’s contractor will attempt to minimize
disruption and will complete the project as quickly as possible. We
appreciates your patience during the replacement project. Once
complete the project will improve the security, usability, and
aesthetics of Badger Park.
Central Healdsburg Avenue Special Study Area

After reviewing three proposals, a consultant was selected to
prepare the environmental impact report for the Central Healdsburg
Avenue Special Study Area project. Prior to formally hiring the
consultant, the City will have to enter into a contract with MTC
regarding the Station Area Planning Grant funds that will assist in
completing the EIR work. Staff has also been working with the Plan
consultant in the preparation of the public review draft of the
Plan, which is expected to be released in November.
Turf Improvements
The majority of the special events for the 2011 season in Plaza
Park are over so Parks staff is partnering with the City’s
landscape maintenance contractor to begin top-dressing and
over-seeding turf areas in the Plaza that have been negatively
impacted by the busy event season. It is expected that turf grass
throughout the park will be fully re-established prior to the 2012
season. Crews will also begin the renovation of athletic field turf
throughout the City once the fall sports season is concluded in
Crime Report Access
The Police Department recently launched Crimereports.com, a
crime mapping program that allows citizens to see the crimes that
are happening within the City. It also offers a command central
side that provides a valuable tool for the officers to use in crime
analysis and prevention.
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Compliance

City Councilmembers and staff are often asked what is done to
ensure compliance with the TOT ordinance. On March 23, 2011, the
City entered into an agreement with MuniServices to conduct a
compliance audit of TOT lodging establishments. The auditors
visited all but one of the establishments in September. They found
that most businesses are complying with the municipal code.
Additional fieldwork is required to address food and beverage
deductions and the implementation of “add on” fees by lodging
operators. Staff anticipates the audit will be completed by the end
of the calendar year.
Construction Projects
Work is progressing on North Street. The City is constructing a
new storm drain main in partnership with The Shed. Due to a
conflict with an existing water line, the project has become more
complicated than anticipated and will require a portion of the
existing main to be taken out of service. Staff is working with the
impacted businesses and has developed a plan that allows
continuation of water services via temporary lines. The shutdown is
scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st, but may possibly extend into
November 2nd. In addition to a new storm drain, work on this
project will result in underground electric, cable and phone
utilities which will greatly enhance the aesthetics of the
Construction of storm drain improvements on Center and Mill
Streets is progressing. Work is expected to be completed by
November 11th, after which the contractor will move to the Center
and Matheson. Construction at Matheson and Center is limited and
will not begin before 8:00 a.m. to minimize impacts to the
surrounding hotels. This project is expected to be completed by
late November.
Work on Segment 3 of the Foss Creek Pathway continues. The storm
drain pipe improvements within Front Street are near completions.
During the first week of November pathway grading will begin,
followed by installation of the recycled water and electrical
utilities under the railroad tracks. The targeted completion date
is late December.
Senior Center Anniversary
A large turnout is anticipated for the 25th Anniversary public
open house to be held on Thursday, November 3. The open house will
be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will feature program
demonstrations, self-guided tours, a special lunch, boutique sales
and door prizes.
Electric rates will change from summer rates to winter rates
with the November bills.
After a joint meeting, the City Council and Planning
Commissioners have tasked the Chamber of Commerce and downtown
business district members to develop suggestions and alternatives
to address outdoor displays and merchandising. If you would like to
participate in these discussions please contact the Chamber of
Commerce at 433-6935.
As part of the his community outreach program, Police Chief
Kevin Burke has agreed to play a starring role in the “Dancing with
the Stars” event to be held on November 12 at the Raven Theater.
Get your tickets now!
Marjie Pettus is the Healdsburg City Manager. To submit ideas or
questions for this column, email cityscape@

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