The Healdsburg Animal Shelter is in the business of saving lives, and we do it well. National averages show approximately 50% of dogs and 70% of cats entering shelters are euthanized. The Healdsburg Animal Shelter’s rate is 7%. Additionally, in 2011, our dog adoptions tripled; cat adoptions increased by 29%; medical expenses decreased by 75%; professional fees decreased by 53%; income from fundraising events increased by 358%; charitable giving doubled and volunteers contributed 1,500 more volunteer hours. These are amazing accomplishments. Operationally our shelter ranks among the top in the nation.
At the end of the day, however, the animal shelter is in fact a business. We are working diligently on all levels, from the board, to staff, to volunteers, to create an atmosphere and framework of professionalism. Growing from a small group of volunteers to a business with staff and volunteers in the dozens requires an evolution of management and protocol to ensure the business is structured, sustainable and can continue to thrive well into the future. These recent changes, in conjunction with the undertaking of the new shelter construction, reflect our best efforts to build a stronger, better organization.
Understandably, change of this magnitude is not always easy to implement or digest. We are well aware that our organization could not exist without the trust of the people who support us. A strong partnership with the public is imperative if we are to succeed not only in animal welfare but as an organization working to serve the people of our community. While we are striving to conduct business with increased professionalism and efficiency, it was never our intent to shut out or ‘muzzle’ the opinions of the public, and we sincerely apologize if this was the perception.
We apologize for any misunderstanding or perceived veil of secrecy. It is our every intent to operate our organization with full transparency. We are continuing with our in-depth scrutiny and analysis of the new shelter construction, and have engaged a Healdsburg CPA, and shelter architect George Miers to help us in this endeavor. We look forward to sharing this progress with the community. It is our goal to quite literally open the doors to the shelter to share with the public the results of these reports when they become available, as well as our goals and vision for the future.
Starting in May we will be conducting monthly public forums at the new shelter to keep the community apprised of our progress and invite public discourse to involve the community in our plans moving forward. In the coming weeks, with new board members joining us, we will be undertaking a restructuring and reconstitution of our board. Our Advisory Committee will be conducting its first meeting this month.
Our successes are very tangible and real. We see it in the wagging tails of dogs leaving the shelter behind to start new lives, and in the smiles of the people holding a new kitten in their arms. We work hard every day to bring joy and love into the hearts and homes of our animals and our community. We hope you will join us in maintaining focus on our end goal, that of saving lives.
— Board of Directors of the Healdsburg Animal Shelter

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