A man of strong convictions and of duty to his country, Clarence
Ruonavaara lived up to these tenets all his life. An admired
teacher and administrator, he will be sorely missed by his many
students who were fortunate to be taught and coached by him, by his
family, by his myriad of friends and colleagues. I am proud to say
that he and I were friends for over 60 years beginning at the time
I arrived in Healdsburg in May of 1950.
In his own quiet way he accomplished much for his community. He
was particularly proud of his involvement as a member of the
Healdsburg Lighting Committee who raised the funds to put in the
lights at Recreation Park in the late 1940’s. Clarence and his
wife, Betty, were very involved in the American Field Service
Exchange Student program at the high school and hosted two
students, one young man from Germany and one young man from Brazil.
To this day both men, Dr. Gunther Beer from Germany and Marco from
Brazil, have kept in touch with Clarence visiting him here and
always calling him on his birthday and Father’s Day.Dr. Beer
surprised Clarence by attending the Healdsburg Museum’s History
Lives dinner in March of 2007 when Clarence was presented the
Pioneer Award.
For over 25 years he served as a member of the Advisory Council
of the Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center at Lytton being
particularly concerned that the beneficiaries were receiving the
needed counseling. A 30 year member of the Kiwanis Club he
participated in all the fund raising projects. During this past
Christmas season he helped at the Kiwanis Christmas Tree Lot
putting in more than the required hours.
During this busy period he also took time to help the Salvation
Army in its annual Red Kettle drive by ringing the bell for 2 two
hour shifts.
He was a hands-on person. Last year he helped the Kiwanis
members in the renovation of the Healdsburg Community Nursery
School. And not too long ago he told me that he finally gave up
mowing the lawns at the Healdsburg Community Church where he and
his family were long time members.
Over the years he took part in many activities and he liked to
reminisce about the special events at Memorial Beach sponsored by
the Chamber of Commerce in the 1950s and especially how a group of
teachers in 1949-1950 started the Future Farmers Country Fair and
how successful it has been.
Clarence was a people person and liked to be involved with
groups. He became a member of SIRS, a social club for retired men
and continued to come to the monthly meetings even though he often
complained that he couldn’t hear what the speaker was saying. He
was not alone in that complaint.
Clarence was a very special person and friend. We were blessed
to have known him all these years. I’ll remember him as a friend
with whom I shared many special memories over a span of 60 years.
He’ll also be remembered as a very caring and generous person
sharing his bountiful garden of tomatoes, zucchini and persimmons
with friends and neighbors. He also showed his compassion and
caring nature by always keeping in touch with long time friends who
were confined to their homes.
Arnold Santucci is a Healdsburg resident.

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