I have logged over 70,000 miles in the last 30 years at sea. In this time, I have seen many dangerous situations as well as unnecessary accidents as well as deaths, that could have been prevented with a bit of common sense as well as preventative measures. By writing this article I hope it helps to give a helping hand to all that enters the water this year, by boat or simply just swimming in our waters.
With a few preventative measures, as well as looking at the big picture for your day On the water you could save your life as well as your love one, or even a stranger.
Before you launch your boat check your engine, bilge pumps, exhaust fans.
Make sure you have tools on board.
Pretend that you will be living on this vessel for week if you were to break down, and what do you wish you had even if you are near shore. Hey if its going to break it’s going to break at sea. Don’t ask me how I know this.
Have a list on what you need before you go to sea even if its just a lake.
Do Not use last years First Aid kid, check it and up grade if needed.
Check all your life vests if they show signs of weathered, get new ones.
Make sure you have working flares as well as serviced fire extinguishers.
Make sure you have a working VHF radio do not rely on your cell phones.
If you SKI make sure you have a flag to show your Skier in the water when he or she is down.
If someone was to fall overboard, point to the person in the water and do not loose that point.
If you are the only operator of your vessel, make sure someone on board knows how to operate, or at least stop it in case you fell overboard, or had a Medical emergency this is important, make someone your first Mate.
Make sure your boat is properly vented. Before and after you fuel. Make sure you check all your electrical connections to the battery, starter, and any other electrical devises that can make your vessel go BOOM!
Don’t top off your tank.
Have a safety procedure before you fuel. This is import especially with a boat that has been sitting all winter.
Docking your boat.
Have your lines ready and fenders ready in advance. I remember a few Yeas ago a man was docking his boat with his Daughters legs over the side to fend off the dock she could have lost them.
Do Not drink and try to operate a vessel you could kill someone, boats do not have brakes.
Have a plan of attack when docking. Think in advance and make sure nobody is hanging off the boat prior to docking.
Swimming in the river or the ocean
Never turn your back to a wave.
If you can’t swim wear a life vest even if you just plan to wade.
Make sure you tell the Captain if you get on a boat that you can’t swim.
Have a buddy with you.
Lake Sonoma
I have been going to the lake for years. I have notices Boats going in all directions. It should be like a skating rink. You should travel from right to left, in a big circle if you will. If we all to do this then this would prevent accidents from boaters driving all over the place.
Remember you don’t need a license to Drive a small craft. So chances are that the person sharing the water with you knows NOTHING. If you remember this then you will be on the look out.
Never cut in front of another boat. If you see a boat headed your way make a VERY PRONUNCED turn to show the other Captain that this is the way you are going. We practice this when driving a yacht at sea when we see a Vessel many miles away. Situations happen much faster on a small lake and you need to look and plan ahead ALL your turns. Also always look all around before you make any turns.
In closing Boating is NO ACCIDENT. Think MORE what you would normally do when you get in your car for a weekend outing. Remember your have lives in your hands. Be responsible and safe.

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