Each year in August we recognize the role that community health centers play in healthy communities. This year, the theme for National Health Center Week is: “Celebrating America’s Health Centers: Transforming Health Care in Our Local Communities.” The theme emphasizes the mission of community health centers – to provide a healthcare home to all Americans in need – as well as the importance of continuous preventive and primary care to help reduce health risk and lower the overall cost of healthcare.
Locally, your community health center is Alliance Medical Center. Founded in 1971 by volunteers who wanted to provide health services to farmworkers and their families, Alliance has grown significantly over the last 42 years. We now offer comprehensive medical and dental care, specialty services and much more. We operate three facilities in Healdsburg and Windsor, and serve patients from throughout the north county and northern Santa Rosa. Each year we serve 12,000 patients and we book thousands of appointments a month.
Community health centers, also known as Federally Qualified Health Centers (or FQHCs) are non-profit, community-directed healthcare providers located in medically underserved rural and urban communities where healthcare resources are scarce. Community health centers provide access to compassionate, culturally appropriate care regardless of insurance status.
Community health centers currently serve more than 22 million Americans in underserved communities, playing a unique and vital role in the healthcare system. One out of every 15 people in the United States depends on a community health center.
Nationally, we employ more than 148,000 people, yet each community health center is managed by a local board of directors that assures that we are responsive to the needs of our patients and our communities.
According to federal data, community health centers provide access to high quality preventive and primary care while saving over $1,200 per patient annually in total healthcare costs by coordinating care, keeping patients out of costlier treatment and healthcare settings, and effectively managing chronic conditions.
A recent study by Stanford University found that community health centers excel at ensuring patients have access to chronic care management and preventive care services. We are also large employers in our communities and play a key role in training the healthcare workforce.
Dental care is a growing need, and we recognize it. According to the California Health Interview Survey, 40 percent of Sonoma County’s uninsured children have never seen a dentist. We recently received a significant grant from First 5 to expand our children’s dental services so we can help those children.  
In a proclamation announced this week, President Barack Obama acknowledged the role community health centers will play as federal healthcare reform is implemented, stating: “As millions of Americans gain access to more health insurance options through the Affordable Care Act, health centers remain as valuable as ever. They help community members understand their options, determine their eligibility, and review possibilities for financial assistance.”
At Alliance Medical Center, we celebrate more than four decades of service to our communities and look forward to many years of service ahead. Please contact us if you want to learn more about community health centers and how you can help.
Sandy Beddow is the Chair of the Board of Alliance Medical Center.

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