Mad as a hatter
Editor: Waitaminute! Let me get this right — Windsor is supposed to be one of the best towns in the USA (note I said USA) to raise kids, but according to “School district braces for more cuts” (Windsor Times, Feb 21, 2013, page A1), we can’t find the money for school buses? “Things get curiouser and curiouser,” said Alice in Windsorland.
David Randolph
Sound wall meeting
Editor: On behalf of the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA), we would like to invite you to an upcoming Community Meeting and Open House that will focus on the Highway 101 Airport Boulevard Interchange and Windsor Sound Wall Projects. The projects, which will impact areas around the Fulton Road exit, Airport Boulevard and Hwy 101 in Central Windsor, will officially break ground this spring and is expected to be completed in late fall 2014.
The first phase of the project was started in January and has required the removal of trees in and around the Airport Boulevard area and along Hwy 101 in central Windsor. This first phase will be completed by the end of February, to avoid disturbing birds nesting in and around the construction area. Here are some highlights of the upcoming construction project:
 Replace the Airport Boulevard over crossing with a new 5 lane bridge (2 lanes each direction, plus a turning lane, bike lanes and a sidewalk on the north side of the bridge)
 Reconfigure on and off ramps at Airport Boulevard to accommodate a new Mark West Creek bridge and all northbound and southbound movements
 Signalize Airport Boulevard ramp intersections
 Per Caltrans mandate, remove all on and off ramps at Fulton Road
 Construct sound walls along Hwy 101 in central Windsor
At the meeting you will be able to view displays related to the proposed interchange improvements, including the project timeline, project elements and temporary traffic control restrictions. You will also have the opportunity to speak directly with SCTA and Caltrans staff about any questions you may have about the projects. We want to make sure all neighbors are being kept in the loop about these important projects, and we hope you’ll be able to attend the March 14 Community Meeting. We look forward to working with you in the months to come!
Details for the Community Meeting and Open House:
Date and Time: Thursday, March 14, 2013 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Sonoma County Water Agency – 404 Aviation Blvd, Santa Rosa.
Questions: Please contact James Cameron, SCTA Deputy Director of Projects & Programming, at 707-565-5377
Mike McGuire, Sonoma
County Supervisor
Suzanne Smith, Executive Director, Sonoma County Transportation Authority

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