Feeding the blowhards
Thank you for the fabulous article, “Whither Reagan’s America?” in the Jan. 28 edition of the Windsor Times. You are so correct all the noise and political words are so far from reality it is hard to believe that the speakers can still have a straight face, and can sleep at night. There are lots of people in life, for many reasons. But the politicians’ talk of fear and hate and lies only exaggerates the plight of those who are suffering. The media only perpetuates these lies and fear mongering speeches. Some of the really objectionable comments and accusations should not be repeated on public television. If the ‘blowhards’ didn’t get the publicity, maybe they would stop their actions. We need people to speak the truth with definite policies and programs that will actually help to change things; we need people of vision who can speak to the basic good that is in each one. We can start with the Windsor Times continuing to be honest and open about what is happening in our little part of paradise.
Diane Tomczak
Opportunity to speak and be heard
On Monday, Feb. 1, I attended the Lytton Development Town Hall meeting. I appreciate the fact that Jim Gore, David Rabbitt, the Board of Supervisors attorney and other representatives from the county took the time to hold this meeting in order to gather feedback from the community and to allow anyone to speak who wished to. Because I have not taken a position on either side of this issue, my reason for attending the meeting was to learn about the project by gathering facts as well as listening to differing opinions.
There was considerable opposition to the MOA and other work that has been completed on the project; the opponents were extremely vocal in sharing their opinions. The first person to get up to speak with a differing opinion was shouted down by someone from the opposition side and told to sit down. When he indicated that he was not finished speaking, he was again cut off by the rude person, resulting in his departure from the meeting. I was extremely disappointed in the disrespectful behavior of this person. He not only denied the other person the opportunity to express his opinion but he also denied me the opportunity to listen to another opinion.  
I hope that in future meetings we can all be respectful of each other and tolerant enough to allow equal time for everyone to express an opinion even though we may not agree with him/her.
Violet Nelson
Duke and Duchess
As our community knows, each year the Kiwanis Club of Windsor solicits input from our neighbors for the reigning Duke and Duchess (Grand Marshalls) of the Annual Windsor Days Parade. These individuals represent passion for, service to, and love of the Town of Windsor. Past selectees included teachers, community leaders, business leaders and artists. Each in their own right made distinctive contributions to our hometown. We ask that you send along your suggested nominee, along with a brief description of support. Feel free to mail them to Kiwanis Windsor P.O. Box 1178, Windsor, 95492, or save a stamp and email us via our website kiwaniswindsor.org, you can post links to our Facebook page, also.
Kiwanis Club of Windsor

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