Love conquers
Editor: Thank you for your insightful editorial in the July 14 issue of The Windsor Times. You are so correct. Everyone sees, feels and reacts to all the situations in our lives from our own perspective, our own backgrounds and our own beliefs. I don’t think most people deliberately teach their families to be prejudiced or biased.
Most of the time we don’t understand the actions of others because we do what we think is right, at least what is right for us. This is how we grew up and were taught, and it is very difficult to change.
As the Native Americans told us many centuries ago: “You don’t know a man (person) until you walk in his moccasins.”  The days of peaceful coexistence keep us comfortably separated. But when tragedy strikes, we do reach out — we do help out  — we do support and stand with the “others.”
I’ve seen this in Windsor, such as a few years ago when a Latino family was involved in a crash on Highway 101 that killed many and left a little boy severely injured. Many from our parish church, Our Lady of Guadalupe, reached out, secured funding for him and the rest of the family, comforted with support and prayers.
It is always a challenge to walk beyond and out of our comfort zones. We have been bombarded with fear-mongering and hatred breeding rhetoric the past many months during the political processes. But let’s try, let’s not give in the our lesser spirits, and let’s trust that only love conquers hate for all kinds.
Diane Tomczak

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