Thanks for suport on Measure F
Editor: On behalf of the WUSD Board of Education, I’d like to thank the greater Windsor community for their continued support of our students, most recently with the passage of Measure F, a $62 million dollar facilities improvement bond.  With the passage of Measure F, the district will be able to complete many of the facility projects outlined in an initial facilities study completed in 2008.  
In 2008, the Windsor community passed a bond measure for $50 million, which began a two-phase school facility improvement plan.  In addition to upgrading classrooms and technology infrastructure, Phase One added a multi-use gym/kitchen at Mattie Washburn Elementary School, a two-story ten classroom building at Brooks Elementary School, a kitchen at Cali Calmecac Language Academy, a two-story state-of-the-art career technical education building and additional classrooms at Windsor High School and a single-story classroom complex for students attending Windsor Oaks Academy/ Big Picture School. In addition, new student drop off/pick up areas were added at Mattie Washburn, Brooks and Cali Calmecac.
With the recent passage of Measure F, the district will be implementing Phase Two of the district’s facility improvement plan, which includes the selection of an architect(s) for future projects within the next month.  Once this is completed, the district will sell the first ($20 million) of three phases of bonds to finance Priority One, as developed by the school board, and proceed with projects.  Included in Priority One is the construction on a new library at Brooks Elementary School, the building of bleachers and bathrooms at Windsor High School’s Kirkpatrick Field, the purchasing of land for the construction of a new school, improvements to school safety, updating our science labs, computer labs and libraries and replacing aging portable buildings.  
All bond funds spent will be audited by a third party and reviewed and approved by a bond oversight committee.  If you have an interest in serving on the committee, please contact CBO Lois Standring at 837-7708.  Again, thank you for supporting our students and staff; we look forward to the completion of the improvements noted above as we continue to meet the needs of our children.
Steve Jorgensen, WUSD Superintendent
Points about prohibition
Editor: Legalized cannabis Proposition 64 won and now “family friendly Windsor” officials want a moratorium to see how this new law will impact neighborhoods?
The problem here is that Californians have been smoking cannabis since it was first grown here for over 100 years and cannabis has shown itself to be much less a public problem than alcohol related offenses.
Passing a moratorium preventing Windsor residents from using or growing cannabis will change nothing. If Debora Fudge really cares about a drug’s impact on neighborhoods perhaps she and the council should ban the sale and consumption of pharmaceutical pain killers, wine, beer and hard alcohol.
David Heventhal, Windsor

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