Positive school board change
There are three exceptional new choices running for Windsor’s school board. Two have been serving the community and schools for years, while the third is a younger choice whose roots are established in Windsor schools.
The first and most amazing choice is Rich Carnation. Rich’s Windsor roots go back to the 1990’s when he helped shape the vision of Windsor as a member of the General Plan Committee. Rich became WHS’ first, and only, wrestling coach and a dynasty has resulted.
Since 2005, Rich has won or co-won 11 league titles. Rich has also donated tens of thousands of dollars out of his own pocket to benefit the program. In addition to wrestling, Rich stresses academics and has helped mold kids into productive adults.
Former WHS principal Marc Elin’s endorsement illustrates what Rich has meant to WHS. Rich also owns Waterworks Industry, Inc., which regularly bids on and completes spectacular million dollar projects. That business experience will benefit Windsor taxpayers to insure our bond money is spent wisely. Rich and his wife Becky have had five kids go through Windsor schools, with the youngest being a junior at WHS. Rich Carnation is an easy first choice.
Second choice is Stephanie Ahmad. Stephanie is chair of the non-profit “WE Foundation”. Working with her, as Chair of C*Star, I have found she is flexible, without an ego, smart, articulate, honest and wants to do what’s best for the kids.
She attended Windsor Schools K-12 and was WHS co-valedictorian. Stephanie and her husband, who is a teacher at WHS, have a third and fifth grader at Cali. Stephanie working with Rich will create a positive difference in how our school board interacts with parents and taxpayers.
Third choice is Warin Parker. Warin has grandchildren in the district. Warin was the voice at WHS football and basketball games for many, many years. Warin wants to give the school board back to the parents.
As a bystander, he is frustrated with the low test scores, the lack of vision and feels the WUSD can become the best (like the Town of Windsor). Parker has also served a term on the town council. Unfortunately, Warin recently had a minor stroke is not campaigning, but his name is on the ballot. To me, if he was elected, and his doctor and family OK’d it, he would become that positive elderly visionary which every great board needs.
Rich, Stephanie and Warin each bring a lot and the combination would steer the WUSD back on the road to becoming the best.
George Horwedel
Voice of reason
I have been receiving some good-looking campaign flyers in the mail from those running for Windsor Town Council.
I have not received any from Sam Salmon. He is running on his record.
In attending the town council meetings, he is the lone voice of reason. He listens to what people have to say. Especially when it comes to developers.
In the Oct. 11 Windsor Times “Meet the Windsor Town Council Candidates,” Luis Diaz sees the top issue facing Windsor is development-driven growth taking over open space. He states that 22 acres of farmland was lost in the last urban growth boundary. The existing town council did this.
You can tell from the demeanor of the other council members when Sam Salmon speaks of developer issues, they don’t like it.
With this in mind, my vote will go to Sam Salmon, Luis Diaz and Rosa Reynoza.
I hope others will join me, especially in voting for Sam Salmon “the voice of reason” even when others vote against him at meetings.
Yvonne Branson
Santa Rosa

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