New blood needed
Editor: On our five-member Windsor Town Council sit two members serving their sixth, four-year terms. OK, longevity can be helpful, but 24 years is already more than plenty. The most effective councils have a healthier turnover rate, avoiding overlong incumbencies. It’s extremely hard for newcomers to run against name recognition, and best when a few people don’t dominate seats, decade after decade.
Let’s vote Mark Millan and Dominic Foppoli for their second terms, and Esther Lemus to her first term.
The average age of Windsor’s eligible voters is about 49. If we elect Lemus, 45, and re-elect Millan, 64, and Foppoli, the overall average would fall from its current 60+, to a more community-reflecting 55. Â
Other candidates also offer age, gender and ethnic diversity, but only these three have the needed high levels of experience, knowledge and depth of engagement in our town.
Foppoli brings a perspective from local agriculture, winemaking and business. Millan is a nationally recognized expert on clean water, wastewater and infrastructure, in both the engineering and public process arenas. Lemus, now a School Board member, is a Deputy District Attorney who devotes her professional life to public safety. Â
County Supervisor James Gore and State Senator Mike McGuire, who know Windsor and our council very well, have endorsed these three and no others. This matters, because our town works with the county and state on many fronts that affect our day-to-day quality of life.
Please join me in voting for Millan, Foppoli and Lemus.
Maureen Merrill
A new voice
We are so lucky in Windsor to have so many varied, talented candidates willing to offer their public service to our community. There are three seats on the Windsor Town Council up for election next week. I personally attend most town council meetings and our current town council is good, but I know it can be great. I think it is time for change, a new voice on the council that will represent the people of Windsor.
I will be using one of my three votes for new representation on the council and am asking you to also consider using one of your votes for Rosa Reynoza. I think she is what the council is missing. She has not solicited or accepted any endorsements (or money) from developers, groups, or PAC’s. She only wants personal endorsements in the form of your vote for her. Â
I know she will be a great addition to the council, as she has a fresh new perspective, will listen and actually put forth actions based on what Windsor citizens want. I urge you to vote for Rosa Reynoza for Windsor Town Council.
Betsy Mallace
Yes on 3
California is quite literally one of the most important bread baskets of the world, producing up to 50 percent of the country’s fruits, vegetables and nuts. As we move towards more sustainable farming techniques and better use of our natural resources, we must ensure that we invest in our watersheds, our water supply, and improve water quality throughout the state. Proposition 3 takes a big step in the right direction. Across the state we must encourage sustainable investment to support our farmers, the environment and urban water consumers.
Proposition 3 makes the investments we need in our natural water sources, watersheds and groundwater basins, as well as the infrastructure necessary to deliver and manage it. Proposition 3 encourages water agencies to develop their water supplies through more sustainable and drought resilient means like wastewater recycling, groundwater management and stormwater management, and includes no funding for new dams or the controversial Delta tunnels.
American Farmland Trust joins with the California State Farm Bureau Federation, over 100 environmental and conservation groups like The Nature Conservancy, more than 100 water agencies, environmental justice groups and the California Labor Federation in support of Proposition 3. We hope that you will join us on Nov. 6 and vote Yes on Proposition 3 to more sustainably manage our water and land resources.
Kara Heckert
American Farmland Trust California State Director
Support for Foppoli
My wife and I are raising our young children in Windsor, and we support Dominic Foppoli for Windsor Town Council. From my point of view, Dominic represents our demographic, and we have seen that he is deeply invested in keeping Windsor the family-friendly, safe place it is now. He has gone above and beyond to serve the community not only through commitment to parks and recreation but also to improving upon the opportunities in Windsor for young families like ours.
As a small business owner and a champion for the environment at the local level, he has been endorsed not only by the Sonoma County Alliance but also the Sonoma County Conservation Action – two organizations that do not always see eye to eye.
I also know that much of his campaign funding goes back into the community through donations to organizations and events such as the Windsor Education Foundation, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Kaboom! fireworks show and the Summer Nights on the Green.
I am proud to be supporting Dominic Foppoli for Windsor Town Council, and I hope others will too.
Sean Harrell
Time for a change
Editor: I think it’s time for a change on the Windsor Town Council. With three members up for election, the voters of Windsor have a chance to decide how they want the town to evolve.
Don’t be dazzled by the shiny campaign ads coming in the mail (where does the money come from) or what others recommend. The Press Democrat printed an editorial with who they recommend for Windsor. I think this is overstepping. How do they know what is best for our town?
I still feel Sam Salmon is the voice of reason but his voice is not heard by the other council members. If nothing changes, those of us who live here will just get more of the same.
Yvonne Branson
Santa Rosa