Against SB277
Editor: An open letter to our state representatives re: vaccines. Assemblymember Wood and Senator McGuire: Congratulations on finishing out your first month of serving the people of District 2. I see that you are both co-authors of SB277 (Pan Public health: vaccinations). It’s interesting that this fact was not trumpeted on your websites or newsletters. I see it as an indication that you’re not confident that your position would be well received by many, and you would be correct. I hope you consider the health risks SB277 introduces and withdraw your support for the bill which forces humans to be injected with questionable substances against their better judgment in order to receive services that they have already paid for with their tax dollars. SB277 eliminates informed consent, which is the ultimate form of tyranny. Lack of freedom to refuse any medical procedure is a human rights violation. This is not the American way. No medical intervention is completely risk-free. Vaccines, though they are designed to protect from disease, can cause side effects that range from mild to serious. Serious side effects from vaccination include life-threatening allergic reaction, seizure and even death. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services manages The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which provides funding for The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) to compensate vaccine-related injury or death claims. If vaccines were actually 100 percent safe and caused no injury to humans, there would be no need for the NVICP to exist. Therefore, I urge you to withdraw your support for SB277.
Brian Pardini
Your Constituent
Parks & Rec goals
Editor: The Healdsburg Parks & Recreation Commission has put together a list of goals for the coming year. Those goals are as follows:
1) Support and participate in a public outreach campaign to help inform the community in regards to the Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT), and define how that tax benefits the Parks & Rec Department and the community.
2) Participate in the parks master plan update process and advocate for developing a prioritized list of park improvements for future planning to include a capital improvement plan.
3) Explore alternative funding mechanisms for Parks & Rec such as the formation of a park district or foundation.
4) Evaluate and consider further development of Badger Park as a Russian River access park.
5) Support parks staff, County Open Space, and Landpaths in the transition of Healdsburg Ridge and Fitch Mountain properties to the city.
On a recent commission and staff tour of the city’s parks and playgrounds, we had numerous discussions with park users. It was enlightening to hear of your suggestions and ideas. We took notes and will be putting together a matrix of suggested park improvements. Hopefully we’ll be able to move forward and implement some of those suggested improvements.
Just a reminder that the Parks & Recreation Commission meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at City Hall. We invite members of the public to join us. It’s a very exciting time for our Parks and Rec department as we sponsor and provide numerous recreational activities for all ages, and we plan for new & improved recreational facilities. We value your input. Please join us.
Kathy Birdsong
Richard Bugarske
Christine Hyde
Juan Mota
Jay Tripathi
Shawn Widick
Kent Mitchell, Chairman
Parks & Recreation Commissioners