Don’t box in our Plaza
EDITOR: The proposed building project titled 106 Matheson Street would erect a four-story building directly adjacent to the Plaza park. We should not allow this to happen.
The Plaza park is our town’s historic center, and its living sanctuary. The Plaza is the heart of Healdsburg, where people experience connections with each other and with the flow of the day. In the Plaza, the gazebo looks over the natural landscape and the benches invite you to sit a while. You hear the water fountain’s soothing rushing sound. You can hear laughter, and the lilt of people’s conversations, and the steeple bells of St. John’s church ringing out the hour. You watch the sunlight rise and fall through the trees, and you can see families strolling, pushing baby buggies, and picnicking. At the corner, the Latino workers gather and chat while waiting to be hired, here a cyclist rests her bike against a wall to re-energize, there an elderly man leans on his cane as he walks past a young couple.
When I lead Fitch Mountain Park hiking tours, we can look down from the summit and see the Plaza. It stands out like an intact, unspoiled gem at the center of Healdsburg, and gives our city its unique small-town feel.
To look down on the Plaza from the top of a four-story building would not offer the same sense of the value it holds for all of us. There are no other four-story buildings adjacent to the Plaza. This large construction project would begin a process of boxing in the Plaza and will require the construction of more parking areas. It will increase noise and traffic congestion problems. It will block sunlight in the Plaza, and compromise its historic heritage setting and the everyday ebb and flow of the people who regularly use the Plaza.
I urge us to reconsider this building proposal. I recommend:
1) Scale back the 106 Matheson Street proposed project to three stories at most.
2) Adjust and strengthen the General Plan to protect the Plaza’s historic significance.
Healdsburg residents should not have to fight this hard to protect the Plaza’s historical value and small town identity. 
Do not begin boxing our Plaza park in with higher walls. Please don’t break its natural, living spirit. The Plaza is irreplaceable. It is our small town’s soul.
Ted Calvert
Unique asset
EDITOR: The Plaza is our community hub, loved by locals and visitors alike. It is a unique asset with useful and charming stores offering clothing, bakery goods, small restaurants, wine tasting, books, gifts, art, private offices and yoga, to name a few.
This could change if a proposed 250 seat,  three-level restaurant bar on the Plaza is approved. More crowds, more alcohol concentration, less small town charm. The approval could also set a precedent for higher rents and more large scale “improvements” that drive out small businesses on the Plaza.  This up for review on Dec. 11 in a City Planning Commission workshop. Please let your leaders  know your opinion on this project.
Janis and Warren Watkins
Protect our Plaza
EDITOR: There is a proposal before the Planning Commission  to locate a 250 seat restaurant/lounge/bar on the Plaza at 106 Matheson Street – the Copperfield Book location. This is an outrageous size for this location. It is three times the size of Dry Creek Kitchen at 80 seats. Dustin Valette, a local restaurant owner, and Craig Ramsey, a wealthy out-of-town investor, are proposing a ground floor restaurant, a second floor lounge/bar (per the applicant), and a third floor with two residential units. 
The size of this venture is likely to overwhelm the Plaza with increased traffic, congestion, noise, and parking issues. I am against this project in its current form. The proposal is inconsistent with parts of the General Plan and the Municipal Code on the special purposes of the Plaza Retail District. The Municipal Code states that business uses around the Plaza should be “harmonious” with the special character of the Plaza”.” It further states that business uses should be “small-scale” in nature around the Plaza.
So what should be a maximum restaurant/lounge size on the Plaza?   How does one interpret “small-scale?” The largest restaurant on the Plaza is Dry Creek Kitchen with 80 restaurant seats.   Six other restaurants directly on the Plaza have an average of 44 seats. Based on this information , and the General Plan and Municipal Code, this restaurant should stay within 80 restaurant seats in order to be in conformance.. Mr. Ramsey, the new owner, could still have a ground floor restaurant, but the second floor could have offices and other commercial/retail uses with less human density. 
I feel strongly we need to protect and preserve our Plaza. >  The  businesses around it  should reflect our small town character and charm which we all love about our Plaza.   A restaurant of 250 seats should be in an outlying area that has adequate parking and traffic flow etc.   
The Planning Commission is holding a workshop at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11 to review  further the applicant’s proposal. Please come if you can, or write a letter, and request the applicant to seriously downsize his restaurant to 80 seats. Let’s protect our Plaza.
Bruce Abramson
EDITOR’S NOTE: Some our youngest readers handed their letters to Santa himself at the Healdsburg Downtown holiday party. He stopped off here at the Tribune to share some of them with us, on his way back to the North Pole.

Wants a bird
DEAR SANTA: Hello, how are you? For Christmas I would like an Alexa and a nice bird. Well, maybe not a bird. I also like random stuff. I will always make my bed. But mostly I would like a vloging camera or a pic camera.
Compliments, not requests
DEAR SANTA: You’re the best Santa.
Love. Allie
Willing to share
DEAR SANTA: I have been a good boy, my name is Juan Carlos. I’m four years old and my brother Antonio is seven years old. I promise to be a good boy for next year. I’ll love my parents and I’ll do all my chores. Hopefully, I have been a good boy to be on the nice list. This Christmas I want 100,000 Legos so that I can share with my brother. Thank you Santa.
Juan Carlos
A bribe
DEAR SANTA: I’ve been kinda good boy I would like a Batman toy. (I have cookies for you at my house.)
My short list
DEAR SANTA: For Christmas I would like a Roblox mini figure and a awesome skylander. Love,
Most important
DEAR SANTA: For Christmas I would love gift cards, a VR headset and most important a crested gecko. Thank you.
Creative spelling
DEAR SANTA: My name is Lucia. I  wold like a American Girl Dool, convertible blu car. Thank you

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