Thanks for Art After Dark success
EDITOR: On behalf of HCA, I would like to thank the community of Healdsburg, our sponsors, artists, partners, volunteers and everyone that played a role in making Art After Dark 2019 a success this year. This year was arguably the best Art After Dark series to date. We experienced well over 1,000 attendees over the three-month course of the event this year. The performers were awesome, we had more art activities than we’ve had in the past and were full on artist spots all summer. I can’t say enough how much we appreciate the help and support of our HCA volunteers. As many know, it takes a lot of hands and feet to present a major event such as Art After Dark and we would not be able to put on an event like this without the help of our volunteers. Once again we thank everyone that attended the event. We look forward to once again presenting Art After Dark next year!

Andrew Akufo

Time to pile taxes on plastics
EDITOR: Watching the folks in Florida steam out of Walmart with carts loaded to the brim with cases of single-serving water bottles, it struck me as odd that the amount of pollution those bottles are about to produce will only exacerbate the climate catastrophes that they are preparing for. As I’m sure you are becoming aware, micro-plastic is everywhere from the deepest to the highest, to the most pristine parts of the planet. There is an easy fix to the majority of this pollution, but it will take putting our money where intentions are. Adding a tax on plastic containers will go a long way toward correcting this problem. And I’m not talking about 5 cents. The tax should be 50 cents which will ensure a higher recovery rate while also moving packaging to sustainable materials.

Jay Beckwith


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